Just before the Lord returned to heaven, he charged his followers to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15).

The Gospel is the message that Jesus, God the Son, became a human and lived a sinless life on this earth for thirty-three years.  He die on Calvary’s cross, not for any crime that he and committed, but to pay for the eternal punishment for the sins of the world.  He was buried and three days later rose from the dead.  In so doing, he justly satisfied the wrath of God towards man’s sin.  A short time later he ascended back into heaven.  He now offers to every man, woman, and young person forgiveness of sins and eternal life in heaven if they will repent of their sin and believe on him.

The Gospel is good news.  Each week we encourage our church people to be involved in some sort of evangelistic outreach.  This is not to earn merit with God but to share the good news with those who have not yet received it.

If you have questions or would like to know how you can get involved in sharing the Gospel, please contact Pastor Childs.