A Cause for Rejoicing
5 February 2023 PM – Psalm 32:1-11 – Stepping Stones – Scott Childs
Introduction: God wants us to be rejoicing people. We find the words joy and rejoice more than 380 times in the Bible. In Luke 15, Jesus spoke of rejoicing over a lost coin found, over a lost sheep rescued, and over a lost son who returned home. In each case, neighbours and friends were invited to rejoice, and Jesus told us that angels in heaven rejoice when a lost soul comes to Christ. Joy is the theme of the book of Philippians. At least 18 times in that brief book, Paul mentions joy.
One of the bumps in life that causes many Christians to stumble is sinful failure. All too often, we sin with our mouth, with our thoughts, with our attitudes and with our actions. When we do, each sin is like a stone in our path. It may become a stumbling block on which we trip and fall; or it may become a stepping-stone on which we climb and grow spiritually. How we respond makes a huge difference.
Transition: In Psalm 32, David describes how we can use a sinful failure as a stepping-stone and a cause for rejoicing. As we read the Psalm, notice that David began positive and ended positive. Read it together.
The Blessedness of Being Forgiven (v.1-2)