Answering Critics
3 April 2022 PM – Job 4-27 – Job2022 – Scott Childs
Introduction: God introduced us to Job as a man who, by God’s statement, was perfect and upright, and one that feared God and eschewed evil. At Satan’s request, God allowed Satan to take away all that Job had except his wife and to plague his body with painful sores. Even his wife told him to curse God and die.
The bulk of the book describes the months (cf., Job 7:3; 29:2) of Job’s physical suffering intensified by the redundant criticism from his three friends. In Job 4-31, we find three cycles of criticism from his friends. Whether these cycles were back to back or separated by some time in between, I cannot tell.
Transition: This evening I want to give you a brief summary of the criticism Job suffered from his friends, a condensation of Job’s answers, and then a few principles that we can learn from this section.
Job’s “comforters” added to his pain.