31/08/2022 Wednesday
Future: Judgment Seat of Christ (part 1) Review
What is the Judgment Seat of Christ? A future accounting for every Christian
What is the Greek name for a Judgment Seat?
The Judgment Seat of Christ is a time of …
reward or loss.
When will the Judgment Seat of Christ take place?
After the rapture and before the revelation
Name two of the deeds Christ will judge.
Our Bible study, our words, our stewardship, …
Future: Judgment Seat of Christ
What does the Bible say about the Christian’s judgment? Part 2
Summary of Part 1
▰ It is a future accounting for every Christian.
▰ It is NOT a judgment that sends some to hell.
▰ It is a time of reward or loss.
▰ This judgment will be after the Rapture.
▰ He will judge our deeds (or activities) to see if they count for eternity or not.
Summary of Part 1
▰ The deeds that Christ will judge include: our Bible study, treatment of other believers, our words, use of abilities, kindness, use of money, labour for
the Lord, endurance of temptation, trials, & suffering, temperance, how we run the race, look for the Lord’s return, submission to spiritual leadership,
pastor’s shepherding.
▰ Stewardship of our tongues, mind, time, children, money and the Gospel
▰ Christ will test the quality of our deeds.
Christ Will Reward Our Good (2Cor 5:10)
▰ (2 Corinthians 5:10) “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to
that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.“
▻ “Good” refers to things done for Christ that last for eternity.
 Consider this example (Proverbs 21:4).
 Ploughing is good, but if done without honouring God, it is sin.
▻ “Bad” refers to things that are not done for Christ and that will not last for eternity (or as above illustration).
Christ Will Reward Our Good (2Cor 5:10)
▰ “Good” refers to things done for Christ that last for eternity.
▰ The First Type of Reward is Commendation (a verbal honour)
▻ To be verbally honoured by the Sovereign of the universe, I believe will be the highest glory. This will be one of the most cherished rewards any believe will
▻ Some will hear God say, “Well done!” (Mt 25:21; Php 3:14)
▻ Others will receive praise from God (1 Co 4:5; Heb 6:10; 1Pe 1:7)
Christ Will Reward Our Good (2Cor 5:10)
▰ The Second Type of Reward is Administration (a leadership position)
▻ Faithful workers will be given positions of leadership (Lk 19:17). These rewards will be enjoyed during Christ’s 1000-year earthly Kingdom.
▻ Faithful workers will also receive more privileges (Lk 19:26)
Christ Will Reward Our Good (2Cor 5:10)
▰ The Third Type of Reward is Coronation (a crown)
▻ The Bible speaks of five specific crowns that Christians may receive for faithful service.
▻ This kind of crown was a wreath or garland which was given as a prize to victors in public games.
Christ Will Reward Our Good (2Cor 5:10)
▻ Incorruptible Crown (1Co 9:25, 27; Col 3:2) for living a self-controlled life
▻ Crown of Rejoicing (1Th 2:19; Mar 16:15) for winning others to Christ
▻ Crown of Righteousness (2Ti 4:8) for living right in the sight of God
▻ Crown of Life (Jas 1:12, Re 2:10) for being willing to die for Christ
▻ Crown of Glory (1Pe 5:4) for faithful pastors
Christ Will Take Away Reward for our Bad (2Cor 5:10)
▰ “Bad” refers to things that are not done for Christ and that will not last for eternity.
▰ Failing Christians will be greatly ashamed in several ways.
▻ Regret will cause shame.
 They will regret having lived a wasted life (1Co 3:15; Eph 5:16).
 They will regret not abiding in Christ (1Jn 2:28; Jn 15:4).
Christ Will Take Away Reward for our Bad (2Cor 5:10)
▻ Rebuke will cause shame.
 Christ’s visual rebuke will cause shame (Luke 22:60-62; Pro 5:21; 15:3)
 Christ’s verbal rebuke will cause shame (Mat 25:26)
▻ Retribution will cause shame. “Retribution” is a justly deserved penalty or a loss.
 Retribution will include Christ denying recognition (2Tim 2:12)
 Retribution includes disqualification from reward (1Co 9:27)
 Retribution includes payment for wrongdoing (Col 3:22-25; 2Co 5:10; Ga 6:7)
Future: Judgment Seat of Christ (part 2) Review
List three types of rewards Christ will give.
Honour (Commendation), Position, (Administration), Crowns (Coronation)
Name two types of crowns Christians can receive.
Incorruptible, Righteousness, Rejoicing, Life, Glory
Three types of loss of reward are
Regret, Rebuke, and Retribution (loss).
Let’s Get Practical
▰ Which side of the rewards “good” or “bad” gives you the greatest motivation to live for the Lord? Why?