Isaac & Rebekah’s Wedding

1 November 2020 AM – Genesis 24:67 – Marriage – Scott Childs
Introduction: Gary L. Thomas said, “A good marriage isn’t something you find; it’s something you make.” If you cannot call your marriage “good”, I hope that this sermon will be a help to you. If you have not yet been married or have children who are not yet married, it is my prayer that this sermon will give you direction and food for thought. (Ge 24:67)
Transition: I want to show you three insights that I find in our text that I trust ought to protect, challenge, and guide.
The first insight I see is that …
  1. God had a specific wife for Isaac
a.         Note how God worked this out for Isaac
1)         Abraham, his father, planned the marriage.
a)         He sent his servant to find the wife for Isaac (v.2-3).
b)         He sent him to his kindred who feared God (v.4). This is absolutely critical. When looking for a spouse, here are two priorities that MUST be at the top of your list. The person must be a Christian and must be walking close to the Lord. If you bend on either of these, you will surely regret it. (Cf., 2Co 6:14)
c)         He refused to let Isaac leave the Promised Land (v.5-6). The principle here is that you must never compromise what is right in order to get married.
d)         Abraham believed that God would guide him to the right woman (v.7).
2)         Abraham’s servant prayed (v.12-14).
a)         He asked God to direct him to the specific woman “that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac.”
b)         He believed that God had a specific wife for Isaac. That is just as true today. Finding a spouse is not a multiple-choice option. It is waiting on God to show you the exact person He has for you.
3)         God programmed the events (v.15-28).
a)         Right after he prayed, Rebekah came to the well (v.15).
b)         She responded just as he had prayed (v.18-19).
c)         He learned that she was of Abraham’s family (v.23-24).
d)         The servant bowed and worshipped (v.26-27). Every time that we pray and God specifically answers our prayer, we must bow, worship and praise God!
4)         Rebekah’s father permitted the marriage (v.50). The servant again worshipped the Lord (v.52).
5)         Rebekah agreed to the marriage (v.58).
b.         If you have never been married (assuming God wants you married), He has a specific spouse for you.
1)         Depend heavily on your parents for guidance and wisdom.
2)         Do not even consider marrying a person who is not a genuine Christian, who is not living a godly life, or with whom you are not in agreement doctrinally. Countless marriages have come to ruin because they overlooked these key points.
3)         Pray fervently that the Lord will lead you to the right person at the right time. Do not run ahead of God.
4)         Do not compromise your convictions in any way.
5)         Be sure that both sets of parents agree with the marriage.
6)         Never agree to marry a person with whom you have some reservations. It is better to wait and be sure.
The second insight I see is that …
2.        Isaac’s wedding preceded intimacy
a.         Isaac and Rebekah’s wedding
1)         God does not furnish us with any details about their wedding. However, the facts that we do have make it clear that they did get married as God said in Genesis 2:24. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
2)         A bride dowry was paid (Ge 24:53).
3)         The wedding was public knowledge.
4)         They left father and mother. Both sets of parents approved.
5)         Rebekah became his wife. That is all of the ceremony that God shared with us. Delivering the bride to the groom was all that was necessary in that culture.
6)         Isaac cleaved to his wife in love.
b.         Their wedding preceded intimacy
1)         In Bible times, it was a crime resulting in the death penalty for a young person to be sexually active before marriage. The Bible calls that fornication. Isaac and Rebekah had no physical contact before their wedding.
2)         Today, young people often become infatuated with each other by feelings and looks, with little or no thought about the person’s character or spirituality. Such attraction is not love but a desire to satisfy lustful desires or to feel wanted. Instead of following God’s plan, they put sex before marriage. That is sinful. (1 Corinthians 7:2) “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” (1 Thessalonians 4:3) “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:
3)         It is not wise to begin looking for a spouse until one is mature enough to fulfil the role of a spouse.
4)         The whole concept of modern dating is a recipe for disaster. Allowing two young people who like each other to spend time alone is making provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof (Ro 13:14).
5)         A courtship where parents chaperon the couple’s time together is more Biblical and far safer. Remember, finding the spouse God has for you is all about prayer, counsel, and evaluating character and spirituality. It has nothing to do with fanning the flame of passion.
The third insight I see is that …
3.        Isaac chose to love Rebekah
a.         True love is not a feeling; it is always a choice.
1)         Though he did not yet know her, Isaac chose to love Rebekah. If you are married, choose to love your spouse even when they are unlovable.
2)         When a person says, “I just don’t love my spouse any more”, they have chosen not to love. That is wrong.
b.         Marital love has three parts like a triangle.
I often define love as sacrificially giving of yourself to meet the needs of your spouse expecting nothing in return. God wants you to express that kind of love with fervor, friendship and fidelity. ê
1)         Fervour: By fervour, I refer to passionate physical love. God said that this is honourable within marriage (Heb 13:4). It is a privilege and duty of marriage that must not be neglected without mutual consent (1Co 7:2-5).
2)         Friendship: Loving spouses communicate with each other. They tell each other of their love. They talk about plans, purchases, and problems. They open their hearts to each other. They share secrets and cherish one another. They trust one another. They forgive without reservation and seek forgiveness when they fail. They love one another sacrificially seeking to meet the needs of one another. Your spouse must be your best friend.
3)         Fidelity: Fidelity is faithfulness or commitment. It is never questioning your marriage vows. It is remaining true to your spouse in mind and body. It is treating your marriage as an unbreakable bond that is indifferent to feeling. It is the determination to be faithful to your spouse in your thoughts, dreams, and conversations with others. It is guarding against all pornography, filthy romance novels, immoral videos, perverted music, and flirting with others. It is that resolve to keep together FOREVER!
4)         Keep your love balanced. ê Too little fervour leads to temptations. Too little friendship feeds conflict. Too little fidelity causes insecurity. Seek a balance!
Conclusion: If your marriage lacks “goodness”, you probably need to balance your triangle of love. Discuss it with your spouse and work to improve the balance.
If you are not yet married, God has a specific spouse for you. Wait for God’s timing. Pray for God’s direction and wisdom. Seek counsel of your parents. Keep yourself pure until marriage.
Song: Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord – 337