The Fruitless Prophet
Lesson 12 – Judah’s Hope of Restoration
Jeremiah 30-33
Date: 6 January 2021 – Jer20
Dates and chronology are based largely on Used by permission.
1.         The Nation’s Restoration, Jer 30-31
a.          In these chapters, God is dealing with both Israel and Judah (30:3). Ryrie points out that God spoke specifically of Israel (31:1-22), of Judah (31:23-26) and of both (31:27-40).
b.          It is important to keep in mind that in this section, God mingled their present judgment with the future time of Jacob’s trouble in the Tribulation. He also mingled their upcoming return from Babylon with their future uniting under the Messiah during the Millennium.
c.           The tone of this section has changed from judgment and destruction to mercy and restoration.
d.          Frequently in these two chapters, God makes “I will” or “will I” promises to Israel and Judah.
e.          God will make a New Covenant with Israel and Judah (31:31-34). KJBC states, “The book of Hebrews teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ instituted the new covenant by His vicarious atonement (Heb 7:22; 8:7-13; 10:15-22). Although certain features of this covenant have been fulfilled in the church, verse 31 states explicitly that the covenant will one day be ratified with a repentant Israel and Judah.” Ryrie adds, “All this will be fulfilled for Israel when the Lord returns (Rom 11.26-27).”
f.            God’s dependable character (31:35) guarantees that Israel will not cease to exist (31:36) and that God will never cast off all the seed of Israel (31:37).
Our God is a holy God, yet He is also loving and merciful. His holiness requires that he must judge our sin. His loving mercy assures us that He is willing to forgive when we repent. (Psalms 86:5) “For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.
2.         Jeremiah Bought a Field, Jer 32
a.          “The events of this chapter occurred in 587-586 B.C., when the Babylonians were besieging Jerusalem and Jeremiah was in custody.” (Ryrie) (32:1-2). Jeremiah was shut up in the court of the prison in the king’s house.
b.          God told Jeremiah that his uncle’s son would come and request that he buy his field, (32:6-7). Knowing that the people within Jerusalem were starving and that Babylon was soon to conquer them, buying such land did not make good sense even to Jeremiah, but he obeyed.
1)         This is exactly what happened (32:8). Jeremiah arranged that all the official evidence of the purchase be preserved (32:9-14).
2)         God explained that the purpose of this purchase was to affirm that Judah would again possess the land Judah (32:15).
c.           Jeremiah then prayed (32:17-25). He knew God was mighty, but humanly he questioned the wisdom of buying the field.
d.          God again assured Jeremiah of His omnipotence (32:27).
1)         Yes, He would send them to Babylon because of all their sins (32:28-36)
2)         However, eventually God would gather them again, bring them home, and they will buy fields again in Judah (32:37-44)
As in the life of Jeremiah, God sometimes commands us to do things that do not seem to make sense to us. When He does, we need to respond obediently as Jeremiah did and trust His omniscience and omnipotence. The declarations in this chapter of God’s unlimited ability (32:17, 27) ought to strengthen our faith in the Lord.
3.         The “Branch”, Jer 33
a.          Again, while Jeremiah was still in the court prison, just before Jerusalem fell, God spoke to him (33:1).
b.          God invited Jeremiah to call unto Him for more information (33:3).
c.           Judgment will come (33:5), but mercy will follow (33:6-8).
d.          God continues to promise good and blessing after the time of judgment (33:9-14).
e.          He then speaks of the future Millennial Kingdom of Christ and the Branch, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who will then govern the land (33:15).
f.            God reviewed His Davidic Covenant (33:17)
g.          Also the covenant made with Phinehas (33:18, with Num 25:13) (Ryrie)
h.          God’s covenant is unbreakable (33:20-21).
i.            God again affirms that His covenant with David is unbreakable (33:25-26).
When events were at a very low ebb, God encouraged Jeremiah’s heart with these words of promise. We too ought to find promises in the Bible that we can legitimately claim and meditate on them during times of discouragement.