Respond Biblically not Emotionally
22 November 2020 AM – Proverbs 15.28 – Scott Childs
Introduction: Fred was invited to a party that he knew would likely include things that may endanger his morals, health, and spiritual life, but he agreed to go to please his peers. Sue just received word that her mother has cancer. She panicked and plunged into a state of frantic worry. On his way to work, a careless driver nearly ran Jim off the road. In anger, he yelled and screamed at the driver. Sally’s husband forgot her birthday and she shredded him with her tongue. Each of these people have one thing in common, they responded emotionally.
Transition: Proverbs 15:28, God tells us to study to answer. In other words, we must respond biblically not emotionally. For us to do this there are three actions we must take.
The first action we must take to respond biblically not emotionally is …
We must remember this applies to every occasion.
a. This applies to our response to difficult situations.
1) Accusations – When someone accuses you of doing something or failing to do something, whether true or false, your response will be either emotional or biblical.
2) Irritations – Your neighbour needlessly complains. Your child may spill something at a very inconvenient time. You may have overslept and are now running late. You may have had a bad day at work. These and similar irritations often rouse our emotions and wrong reactions.
3) Verbal attacks – Someone may attack your character or call you a name. They may say unkind things about you. They may swear at you. Though difficult, God wants you to respond biblically not emotionally.
4) Harm – When someone harms you, physically or emotionally, God still wants you to respond biblically. If a person cheats you or steals from you, the human response is to respond emotionally, but God wants us to respond biblically.
5) Disobedient children – When children disobey, this tries our patience and our godliness. Sometimes children disobey repeatedly. This makes responding biblically a difficult challenge.
6) Bad news – When you receive bad news about a sick relative, the death of someone dear to you, a job loss, a financial setback, a wayward child, etc. God wants you to respond biblically not emotionally.
b. This applies to our response to questions.
1) Petitions – Your son may ask if he can go to a friend’s house. Your boss may ask you to tell a lie. A salesman puts pressure on you to make a deal.
2) Invitations – You may be invited to a Christmas party. Your friend may ask you to go with him to a questionable venue.
3) Dares or peer pressure – A person may pressure you to smoke, drink alcohol, take a drug, be immoral, look at pornography or partake in some other sinful vice. If you answer emotionally, you will displease God.
4) Unanticipated decisions – You may unexpectedly be ask to make a decision and feel pressured to hurry.
Difficult situations will take a variety of forms, various questions will catch us off guard, but to each one God wants us to “study to answer” rather than being wicked and letting our mouth pour out evil things.