17/03/2023 Wednesday
The Revelation
Study of John’s Revelation
Chapter 1
John penned the book, Re 1:1.
God gave him the revelation, Re 1:1.
God’s angel revealed it to John, Re 1:1.
John wrote what the Lord showed him, Re 1:2.
Time of the writing
Most conservative scholars have regarded the date as AD. 95 or 96. (John Walvoord, Revelation p.13)
God blesses those who read, hear, and obey the writings of this book, Re 1:3.
What does that mean?
There are four common methods of interpretations of the book of Revelation.
Allegorical – interprets the book as an allegory, not literal
Preterist – interprets the book as struggles of the Church in the past. (Preterist: A theologian who believes that the Scripture
prophecies of the Apocalypse (the Book of Revelation) have already been fulfilled). WordWeb
Historical – interprets the book as a symbolic presentation of the total of church history culminating in the second
Futuristic – interprets the book literally, and prophetic from chapter 4 onward. Which view is correct?
I believe the Futuristic view to be correct.
Chapter Summaries
1 – Vision of Christ
2 – Seven churches
3 – Seven churches
4 – View of heaven
5 – The Sealed scroll
6 – Seal judgments
7 – 144,000 servants
8 – Trumpet judgments
9 – Trumpet judgments
10 – The Little book
11 – Two witnesses
12 – Conflict Above/Below
13 – Beast and Prophet
14 – Victory Voices
15 – Final Preparation
16 – Bowl Judgments
17 – Religious Babylon
18 – Commercial Babylon
19 – Christ’s 2nd Coming
20 – Millennium – Judge
21 – New Jerusalem
22 – Invite & warn
Chapter 1
The Designation of Christ, Re 1:4-8
He had a message for the seven churches of Asia (v.4)
He is the author of grace and peace (v.4)
God is eternal, past, present, and future (v.4)
Christ provided eternal salvation (v.5-6)
Christ will come in clouds. All will see Him (v.7).
This is not speaking of the Rapture, but of Christ’s Second Coming also called His Second Advent or Revelation.
There is no Scripture that indicates that unbelievers will see Christ at the Rapture.
Christ is still the subject (v.5-8). He is eternal (v.8).
Chapter 1
The Description of Christ, Re 1:9-18
Note how John identifies himself (v.9).
John received this vision on the Lord’s Day (v.10).
Christ called himself the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last (v.11).
John saw seven golden candlesticks (v.12) (churches, Re 1:20).
John saw Christ’s fearful appearance (v.13-16)
Christ again claimed deity (v.17-18).
Why could v.17-18 not apply to God the Father?
Chapter 1
The Declaration of Christ, Re 1:19-20
There are three natural divisions in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 1:19) “Write the things which thou hast
seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;”
The things which John had seen (Re 1:12-18).
The things which are (Re 2-3).
The things which shall be hereafter (Re 4-22).
His message is to seven literal churches (v.20)
The seven candlesticks are seven Asian churches.
The seven stars are seven angels (messengers or pastors) of the churches (cf. Re 1:16, 20; 2:1; 3:1).
Practical Application
Remember who Christ is.
He is the eternal, almighty God.
Recall what Christ has done for you.
He loved you, washed you from your sin, made you a priest.
Refresh your view of Christ.
Picture Christ as John saw Him, the holy, all-wise, Judge.
Reverence Christ.
Fear Him as your King and Judge.
Receive Him as your Saviour and Lord.
Trust Him with your future.