Ruling Your Spirit: Time

9 October 2022 PM – Proverbs 25:28 – RuleSpirit22 – Scott Childs
Introduction: I have only just a minute, poem by Dr. Benjamin E. Mays. “I have only just a minute, Only sixty seconds in it. Forced upon me, can’t refuse it. Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it. But it’s up to me to use it. I must suffer if I lose it. Give account if I abuse it. Just a tiny little minute, but eternity is in it.”
            While time is not a spirit we can rule, it must be ruled by our spirit, thus we include it in this series. Read Proverbs 25:28.
Transition: This evening, I want us to consider how God would have us rule our time.
  1. The misuse of time is a major problem
a.         We may misuse our time in many ways.
1)         We may be slothful (See Proverbs). Slothfulness is being lazy. It is working is slow motion, daydreaming, taking extra breaks, or talking. If we are being paid to work, slothfulness is a sin. If we have a job to do, slothfulness is wrong.
2)         When I was a teenager, one summer, I worked for Ed Cole Christmas Tree Farm as a tree trimmer. Each teen had a 40 cm-long, razor-sharp, knife for trimming the trees. Mr. Cole had a strict rule, NO TALKING for two reasons. It helped us stay focused for our own safety, and it kept us from slowing down to talk. We were being paid to work.
3)         Misappropriating our time is using it wrongly. That may be doing personal tasks when being paid to work. It may be playing a game instead of studying as the teacher assigned. It may be playing with toys while we are supposed to be cleaning our room.
4)         Tardiness to work is a misuse of time. It is stealing from the employer. Being late to school or to a meeting is selfish and unkind to those waiting.
5)         Another misuse of time is working too much and not spending enough time doing things that God says are priorities, like Bible study, loving your spouse, and parenting.
b.         We also misuse time when we waste it.
1)         Even Jesus took breaks with His disciples for rest. That is wise. Taking a holiday is not sinful. Someone wisely said, “If you do not come apart for rest, you will fall apart.”
2)         However, we live in a time-wasting culture. Thousands of hours are wasted playing video games, or watching TV. According to, Australians watch 55 hours and 41 minutes of TV each month. That is more than 1.8 hours every day. Most of that is wasted or harmful time.
3)         Wrong priorities also waste time. We do things that may not be bad, but they are not very productive.
2.        God admonishes us to rule our time
a.         Psalm 90:12 (look up)
1)         God challenges us to number our days. Our time is limited. Our parenting days are numbered. Pain-free, carefree, energetic, youthful days will not last.
2)         God wants us to use the brief time we have to apply our hearts unto wisdom. Use your free time wisely for edifying activities, not on worthless things.
b.         Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:1 (look up)
1)         Childhood and youth is vanity. They do not last.
2)         Prepare for life while you are young. Parents, teach your children skills like cooking, mechanics, gardening, sewing, woodworking, cleaning, laundry, etc. Both boys and girls need all these skills. Young men should be able to sew on a button, do cleaning, laundry, and dishwashing. Young women benefit from some knowing how to change a car tyre, pump a bike tire, and hammer a nail.
3)         Our boys have repeatedly thanked us for teaching them various skills and how to work.
4)         Take the time to teach your children godly character like attentiveness, obedience, truthfulness, gratefulness, generosity, orderliness, forgiveness, responsibility, patience, self-control, punctuality, loyalty, discretion, creativity, and diligence. Godly character qualities do not just happen. Children learn them through training and observation. Here is a good list.
5)         Before old age sets in, is the time to remember your creator and why He made you. Do His will while you have the time and the ability.
c.          Romans 13:11 (look up)
1)         Now is the time to wake up and think about the future. Think about your soul. Set goals for your time. Give Bible time priority. Parents, ensure that your children read the Bible daily before enjoying leisure, hobbies, videos or games. This should be a rule in every household. Parents should hold their children accountable for daily Bible reading. God said, (Romans 10:17) “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Reading God’s Word builds faith, even in unsaved children.
2)         The Lord’s return is drawing near. Are you ready?
d.         Ephesians 5:16 (look up)
1)         Buy up the time God gives you. Make wise and sacred use of every opportunity for doing good. Seek to be a witness for the Lord. Avoid video and phone games as they are very addictive and of no value in life.
2)         We live in evil days. Let your light shine for Christ.
e.         2 Corinthians 6:2 (look up)
1)         God urges us to realise that now is the accepted time to trust Christ; now is the day of salvation.
2)         Young people, if you have not yet truly trusted Christ, do not delay. You have no guarantee of tomorrow. You may die on the way home, or Jesus may return tonight.
3)         (James 4:14) “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
3.        If you have not been ruling your time, admit it.
a.         Read again the opening poem.
1)         How are you using your minutes each day?
a)         Do you give God priority minutes every day?
b)         Are you using your minutes as God wants?
c)         Are you numbering your days?
d)         Have you set goals for your own life and goals for teaching your children?
e)         What are you doing to overcome laziness?
2)         If you are not redeeming your time, do not ignore it.
b.         Unruled time is wrong. Agree with God.
1)         Every minute, wasted or misused, is a minute we will give account to God for at the Judgment Seat.
2)         Since God is against the misuse of time, we must say, “If God’s against it, so am I”.
4.        Depend on the Lord to help you rule your time.
a.         Yield to the Holy Spirit for daily victory.
1)         If we walk in the Spirit, He will produce His fruit in our lives.
2)         Ask Him to take control of your time.
3)         If you give God prime time every morning in the Scriptures and prayer, He will help you with the remaining hours.
b.         Ask the Lord for wisdom and grace.
1)         Ask the Lord for help to make better use of your daily 24 hours.
2)         Plan your days and work your plans.
3)         Ask God for wisdom to identify time-wasters in your busy life. Then ask Him for grace to remove them from your day. Eliminate time-wasters that have no lasting purpose. Replace useless gaming with educational games. Here is an example:
4)         Replace time-wasters with things that have an edifying or eternal focus. Learn a new skill. Cultivate godly character. Be a blessing to someone else.
5)         Learn to say “NO” to requests when your schedule is full.
Conclusion: Ruling your time may require some radical changes, but your life will become more useful and fulfilling, and much happier on Judgment Day if you do.
Song: Take Time to be Holy 376