Tested Till Broken
23 January 2022 PM – Genesis 44 – Gen2022 – Scott Childs
Introduction: I have never broken a wild horse, but I have read about those who have. The rider must stay on that horse, though it bucks and kicks, until he breaks its stubborn will. The horse will be of no use until it has a submissive will. Once submissive, it can lead a peaceful, contented and useful life.
In many ways, this is true of us as well. Like a wild horse, we are proud, stubborn, selfish and very little use to God until we are broken. God uses tests and trials to break our wills. This is exactly what God was doing in the lives of Joseph’s brothers.
Transition: In order to piece together some ways God tests us, I want us to compile a list of the tests Joseph gave his brothers.
Joseph tested his brother’s character (Ge 42)