The Christ of Christmas pt2
11 December 2022 AM – Matthew 1:23 – Christmas22 – Scott Childs
Introduction: Who is the Christ of Christmas? O, we know some basic facts about Him, but exactly who was He?
Is Jesus Christ the same Being as Jehovah God? How can He be the Son of God and Jehovah God at the same time?
Last week we examined Scriptures that clearly describe God as a triune Being of three Persons – Father, Son and Spirit. We saw that all three Persons of the Godhead are equally God, yet distinct Persons.
Transition: This morning we are going to examine many Scriptures, including comparing Old Testament Scriptures with New Testament Scriptures, to show that Jesus truly IS Jehovah God. During His incarnation, He was the God/Man – fully God yet perfect Man.
Scripture Statements of Christ’s Deity