Look up each of the verses below and write down Bible principles that you can learn from them about this virtue. A “principle” is a “truth you can live by.”
We all wants friends. Yet friends can either be a blessing or a curse. Good friends edify. Bad friends tear down. Good friends support and even point out faults when necessary. Bad friends turn on us during time of need. Not only do we need good friends but we need to become a good friend. As you do this Bible study, write principles you can live by, not just short answers.
1. What is a friend? Pr 17:17
2. What is the best way to make friends? Pr 18:24
3. What characterizes a good friend?
3a) Pr 27:6
3b) Pr 27:10
3c) Pr 27:17
3d) Ec 4:9-12
3e) Lu 15:6,9
3f) Joh 15:13
4. What is the best friendship possible?
4a) Jas 2:23
4b) Joh 15:14 (Jesus said this)
5. What are some ways to get false friends?
5a) Pr 19:4
5b) Pr 19:6
5c) Lu 6:26
6. What kinds of friendships must be avoided?
6a) Pr 22:24
6b) Jas 4:4
7. Because most friends are human, what are some things that they sometimes do wrong?
7a) Job 16:20
7b) Job 19:14
7c) Lu 21:16
8. What are some things we should avoid to keep from hurting our friends?
8a) Pr 16:28
8b) Pr 17:9
9. What is the best thing we can do for a friend? Mr 5:19
10. How do you think Jesus was a friend of sinners without sinning? Mt 11:19