Look up each of the verses below and write down Bible principles that you can learn from them about this virtue. A “principle” is a “truth you can live by.”
1. What hospitality did the following people offer?
1a) Abraham Ge 18:4
1b) Lot Ge 19:2
1c) Laban Ge 24:31
1d) Reuel (Jethro) Ex 2:20
1e) Manoah Jud 13:15
1f) Shunemite woman 2Ki 4:8
1g) Job Job 31:32
1h) Martha Lu 10:38
1i) Lydia Ac 16:15
1j) Philippian jailor Ac 16:34
1k) Local people on Malta Ac 28:2
2. Who were some of the people who where hospitible to Jesus?
2a) Mt 9:10
2b) Mr 14:3
2c) Lu 7:36
2d) Lu 14:1
2e) Lu 19:1-7
3. What do the following verses instruct us about hospitality?
3a) Ro 12:13
3b) 1Ti 3:2
3c) 1Th 5:10
3d) Tit 1:8
3e) Heb 13:2
3f) Heb 13:16
3g) 1Pe 4:9
4. What kind of attitude should we have when showing hospitality?
4a) 2Co 9:7
4b) Php 2:14
4c) Jas 5:9
5. To whom should we not forget to be hospitible towards? Lu 14:12-13