Look up each of the verses below and write down Bible principles that you can learn from them about this virtue. A “principle” is a “truth you can live by.”

Meekness is a rather difficult word to define.

• The Greek word means a. “mild” of things, b. “tame” of animals, c. “gentle” or “pleasant” of persons. —TDNT

• It describes “persons of a lowly and gentle carriage.” —JFB

• “It was a word that was used of the man who did not give harsh, brutal answers to others-one who did not demand his own rights.”—Clark Lindsay

• “The opposite of sudden anger, of malice, of long-harboured vengeance. … Meekness is the reception of injuries with a belief that God will vindicate us.” —Barnes Notes

• “The meek person surrenders everything to the Lord and takes nothing under his own control.” —Brink

• “Primarily, has reference to our attitude, or rather our disposition, towards God. … Meek endurance and meek obedience, the accepting of His [God’s] dealings, of whatever complexion they are, and however they may tear or desolate our hearts, without murmuring, without sulking, without rebellion or resistance, is the deepest conception of the meekness which Christ pronounces blessed.” —Maclaren

1. What are we told about Bible characters who were meek?

1a) Nu 12:3

1b) Mt 11:29 (Jesus)

1c) Mt 21:5

Those who are truly meek will not defend their sinful self. Being meek before God when faced with one’s sin is essential for salvation. One who is truly meek will accept God’s plan of salvation through Christ alone, without trying to add good deeds. Have you?

2. What promises are given to those who are meek?

2a) Ps 25:9

2b) Ps 147:6

2c) Mt 5:5 (the “earth” here speaks of the eternal NEW earth of Re 21:1)

3. How does a Christian become more meek?

3a) Ga 5:22-23

3b) Col 3:12

3c) 1Ti 6:11

4. When is meekness needed most?

4a) Ga 6:1

4b) Eph 4:2

4c) 2Ti 2:25

4d) Tit 3:2

4e) Jas 1:21

4f) 1Pe 3:1-4

4g) 1Pe 3:15