The Fruitless Prophet
Lesson 11 – Jeremiah’s Advice
Jeremiah 27-29
Date: 30 December 2020 – Jer20
Dates and chronology are based largely on Used by permission.
1.         Sign of the Yokes, Jer 27
a.          Jeremiah made bonds (restraint, halter) and a yokes and put them on his neck in Jerusalem, and sent a set to each of the kings Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyrus and Zidon. This picture was to remind them that God was in control of them and he would cause Nebuchadnezzar put them under the yoke as a farmer controlled his oxen (27:8)
b.          This had been Jeremiah’s message from the reign of Jehoiakim until Zedekiah (27:1-3).
c.           God is clearly the Sovereign who is in control (27:5-6).
We too must never forget that God is Sovereign. Though God has given man a free will, somehow, God is still in control. This is a mystery. God has made all things and He controls all things.
d.          Jeremiah warned that they must not listen to their false prophets and diviners (27:9).
e.          The nation that submits to Babylon, God will allow to remain in its land (27:11).
f.            Jeremiah urged Zedekiah to submit to Babylon (27:12).
1)         He must submit (27:12)
2)         He must not hearken to lying prophets (27:14, 16).
3)         Know that all the valuables left in Jerusalem in 597 will one day be carried to Babylon (27:19-22).
Four times in this chapter, God warns His people saying, “Hearken not!” They were listening to false prophets and sorcery. Listening to false teaching and lies is just as dangerous for us today. Cults and deceitful preachers lead many astray. The secular media leads astray.
2.         Opposition of False Prophets, Jer 28
a.          In the beginning of Zedekiah’s reign, Hananiah gave a false prophecy (28:1). He falsely claimed the following:
1)         God would break Babylon’s yoke (28:2)
2)         Within two years, God would bring all the holy vessels back to the temple (28:3).
3)         God would bring Jeconiah (Jehoiachin) back from Babylon as well as all of the captives of Judah (28:4).
b.          Jeremiah publically said “Amen” (28:6). He desired that the false words might be true, though he knew they were not.
c.           He then warned that the true prophet shall be known when his words come to pass (28:9).
The proof is in the pudding as the old saying goes. The words of any prophet that speaks truth will surely come to pass exactly as he said. If it does not come to pass, he is a false prophet.
d.          Hananiah the prophet boldly took the yoke from off Jeremiah’s neck and broke it (28:10). He then repeated his false prophecy (28:11).
e.          Later God then sent Jeremiah back to Hananiah with the message that He had put a yoke of iron on all the nations that refuse to submit (28:13-14).
f.            God then told Jeremiah to tell Hananiah that he was lying and was teaching rebellion. Therefore, he would die before the year ended (28:15-16). He did die in the same year (28:17).
Jeremiah’s work of confronting people like this was not an easy task. It is difficult to tell someone that he is wrong.
3.         Jeremiah’s Letter to Jews in Babylonian Exile, Jer 29
a.          Jeremiah wrote to the Jews who were already in captivity (29:1).
b.          This was after the 597 exile (29:2).
c.           He urged them to build houses, plant gardens, conduct marriages and bear children (29:5-6).
d.          They must not let false prophets deceive them (29:8).
e.          Their captivity would last seventy years (29:10).
f.            God assured them of His loving thoughts toward them (29:11).
Though God firmly insisted that the Babylonian captivity would last 70 years, He still loved Israel. Even when we do wrong, we must never forget that the Lord still loves us. The Prodigal Son story is a reminder of this.
g.          They would find Him if they searched with all their hearts (29:13).
God wants our hearts. He wants all of our heart. We can find Him only of we search for him with all our heart. Remember (James 4:8) “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
h.          Those who believe lies will suffer much (29:17-18).
i.            God told Jeremiah that Ahab and Zedekiah who were false prophets would be slain before their eyes and roasted in the fire (29:21-22).
j.            The Lord then had Jeremiah rebuke Shemaiah for teaching rebellion against the Lord (29:32). His family would die out.
One day, God will deal justly with every false teacher and religious deceiver.