9 April 2023 AM – Romans 4:23-25 – Resurrection – Scott Childs
Introduction: Since the beginning of time, humans have sensed that there was a divine being to whom they must give account. The Bible mentions numerous deities and religions. Some even involved human sacrifices to appease the gods they feared.
In many third-world countries today, people still fear evil spirits. Scores of religions exist today in every culture. Each one claims to have qualities superior to all the others. Often they honour a special prophet or adhere to a religious book.
Even within Christian religions, we find many variations. Though they all claim to believe that Jesus died and rose again, some deny that Jesus was truly God, or that He bodily raised from the dead. Others claim to believe this, but do not believe it alone was sufficient to rescue a sinner from judgment and assure him of heaven.
Today is Easter or resurrection Sunday. It has been set aside to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Is there anything about this Biblical event that makes Christianity Superior to all other religions? If so, what is it?
Transition: Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” He was claiming superiority over all other gods, prophets, and religions. This morning, I want to give you three proofs that He is superior. Read Romans 4:23-25.
1. Christ died to pay our sin’s debt
a. We have missed the mark of perfection (v.25).
1) I am far from perfect, and so are you. Since Adam and Eve, the first two humans, sinned, every human has missed the mark of perfection. That is why people in ever culture, even in the depths of the jungle, have a sense of right and wrong.
2) Because humans instinctively know that they have sinned against a higher being, they fear and follow religions in order to appease the higher being.
3) Even people today, who reject God and all forms of religion, still know there is a standard of perfection that they have missed.
b. Christ was delivered for our offences
1) The Bible, from beginning to end, points us to a solution for our imperfections or offences against God.
2) The Old Testament helps us see our guilt and inability to fix it.
3) The New Testament documents God’s solution. The God who created and sustains all things is a three-Person Being: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is one God in three Persons. He is not like us. Thus, God the Son, came to earth, became the God/Man, Jesus Christ.
a) Jesus came to earth on a mission to pay for the sins of the human race.
b) Romans 4:25 tells us that He was delivered for our offences. He permitted himself to be crucified. He did not die as a martyr or a hero. He died as a sacrifice for our sins. He died for my offences and for yours. (Ephesians 5:2) “And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.“
c) Romans 5:8 says, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.“
d) Christ paid our sin debt in full. (Galatians 3:13) “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:“
4) No other religion can claim their god or prophet died as a sacrifice for their sins. Christ is superior!
Christ is superior because He died for our sins. He is also superior because…
2. Christ rose from the dead to remove our guilt
a. Christ was raised to life again.
1) Medical science has made great advances and has found ways to repair many physical ailments. Yet no doctor has ever come close to raising a dead body to life. Only God, the giver of life, can raise the dead.
2) Today, Easter Sunday, we remember the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Who raised Him from the dead? For this answer, we again turn to the Bible.
a) (Acts 5:30) “The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.“
b) (John 2:19) “Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.“
c) (1 Peter 3:18) “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:“
3) The Bible answer to our question is that all three Persons of the Trinity performed Christ’s resurrection. We serve a LIVING Saviour.
b. Christ resurrected for our justification.
1) By His death, Christ paid our sins’debt. By His resurrection, Christ provided our justification. His resurrection completed His payment. It proved that the Father accepted His payment. It gives us a living Saviour. It assures us that He is able also to resurrect us.
2) This word “justification” is an amazing word. It means that Christ removed our guilt and left us spotless. It is an acquittal – a statement of not guilty! It is God’s declaration that we are now righteous.
3) When Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection are applied to a repentant sinner’s account, God sees only the blood of Christ. He washes away every trace of sin.
Christ is superior because He died for our sins, rose to life again and because…
3. Christ freely offers righteousness to those who believe.
a. Believing verse 25 is God’s requirement (v.24)
1) Christ’s death and resurrection are God’s solution to our sin problem. However, God will never force His solution on anyone.
2) We learn in verse 24 that Christ’s death and resurrection can only help us IF we believe on Him.
a) To believe is not just to believe God exists.
b) It is believing that YOUR sin offends God and that you are guilty before God.
c) It is to trust Christ’s death and resurrection as the only means of forgiveness and cleansing.
3) Believing on God or Jesus is repenting of your sin and placing your full trust in Jesus’ atonement. It is free. It is simple. The hardest part is humbly admitting our guilt and sincerely believing that Christ’s payment is the entire solution.
4) Believing is not DOING; it is trusting.
b. God credits believers with righteousness.
1) Still in verse 24, God promises to impute righteousness to those who believe. “Impute” can be a confusing word. It means, “to credit to one’s account and to treat accordingly.”
2) Peter preached, (Acts 3:19) “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out…” When a sinner sincerely repents of his sin and trusts Christ’s payment for his sin, God credits his account with righteousness and treats him as righteous (v.24).
3) No religion can do that for you! Many religious people think that if their good outweighs their bad, that God will let them into heaven. The Bible clearly tells us that is impossible (Romans 4:4-5; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). Any religion that claims to be “Christian” yet denies that Jesus is God Almighty or that adds anything (baptism, confirmation, good) to faith in Christ’s payment, is a false religion.
Conclusion: We have looked at three proofs that Biblical Christianity is truly superior! Christ died to pay our sins’ debt. No religion or prophet can do that for you. Christ rose from the dead to remove our guilt. No religious deed or creed can erase your guilt. Christ freely offers righteousness to those who believe. You cannot earn, purchase or inherit God’s gift. It is free to all who repent of their sin and trust Christ’s payment alone.
Christ’s death and resurrection can only help you if you act upon them. You must repent of your sin, admitting your guilt, and trust Christ’s payment alone. If you have not done that, will you do it today?
If you have trusted Christ, think about all He has done for you. Thank Him and seek to live to please Him.