Do Your Words Harm or Heal?
19 June 2022 AM – Proverbs 12:18 – Tongue – Scott Childs
Introduction: Years ago, Publius, a Greek sage, said, “I have often regretted my speech, never my silence.” I think all of us could say the same. Read Proverbs 12:18. Scripture frequently refers to the sword as an instrument of death. A sword had a deadly blade. Swords were used to destroy entire cities. In this verse, God equates a fool’s words to the piercings of a sharp sword and a wise person’s words to health. What was He saying? He is saying that our words can harm or heal.
Do your words leave people bleeding or healing, wounded or strengthened, provoked or perfected?
Transition: I want to show you from this verse the problem of the tongue, the potential of the tongue, and God’s plan for the tongue.
The Problem – the tongue often harms