Loss for our Learning
11 July 2021 PM – Genesis 19 – Gen2021 – Scott Childs
Introduction: Romans 15:4 states, “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” About four thousand years ago, God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire from heaven and Lot lost all. Genesis 19 records that event for our learning. God does not want us to repeat the same mistakes that led to Lot’s loss.
In Genesis 13, Lot chose to move toward Sodom. At that time, he never dreamed that it would cost him his fortune, his family, and his favour with God. However, he did lose all that he valued.
Sin is like the current of a river above a waterfall, it will pull a boater with increasing power until there is no way to escape the fall. Sin did that to Lot, and will do it to you if you do not learn from Lot’s loss.
Transition: This evening I want us to unpack three lessons that we must learn from Lot’s loss.
Lesson #1 You will become like the friends you choose.
When I was in Bible College, a preacher warned us that toleration leads to compromise and compromise leads to apostasy (abandoning truth). We see this fleshed out in Lot’s life.
a. 1st Lot tolerated the evils of Sodom
1) He knew Sodom was wicked before he chose to live there. (Genesis 13:13) “But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.“
2) The homosexuality and wickedness of Sodom did not keep Lot from living there.
3) Lot tolerated the wickedness of Sodom to advance his selfish agenda. Lot lived like the world.
If you excuse cursing, swearing, bedroom scenes, infidelity, homosexuality, rebellion, murder, violence, or immodesty in your entertainment or media, beware, you are tolerating evil.
b. 2nd Lot compromised his morals in Sodom
1) He offered his virgin daughters to the lustful men of the city (v.8).
2) He let his children marry ungodly spouses (v.12).
3) His virgin daughters learned the morals of Sodom (v.31).
4) (1 Corinthians 15:33) “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.“
Compromise is participation that usually begins small but increases with time. Compromise always follows toleration if it is not stopped.
c. 3rd Lot apostatised to be accepted in Sodom
1) Sitting in the gate as a leader, he overlooked the evils of Sodom (v.1). He abandoned the truth he knew.
2) He considered the Sodomites as brethren (v.7).
3) He planned to sojourn (stay temporarily) in Sodom, but he made it his home (v.9).
4) If the homosexuals of Sodom wanted to abuse the two visitors, did Lot, who lived among them, participate in their sin as well? We do not know.
5) If Peter had not told us, we would never know that Lot was a righteous man (2 Peter 2:7-8).
Apostasy naturally follows compromise. Beware! If you tolerate evil, eventually you will compromise, and compromise leads to apostasy.