My son … the way of Life

21 July 2024 PM – Text: Proverbs 6:20-23 – Topic: Obedience
Introduction: As a child, we had cats back in our cattle barn. Most of them were tame, but we had a few that were feral. I once found a nest of tiny kittens of a feral cat. I tried to pick one up, and it threatened to tear my hand to shreds. It was ferocious.
Humans, like feral cats and many other wild creatures, are born rebellious. If they are not tamed, they become a menace and danger to society. God has ordained that fathers and mothers are to tame or train their children in the way they should go.
Transition: Instructing on parenting in Proverbs 6:20-23, God gives us His Instructions, His Reasons, and His Promises to help parents and young people to have happier and more productive lives. Let’s see how!
1.     God’s Instructions
a.      God instructs children through their parents.
1)         God has given parents the duty to establish rules and laws for their home. This is no small task. Dads must think through the issues of life thoroughly so they can give clear and biblical commands to their children which will deter them from heartache. The mother must have biblical laws for her children that provide instruction, direction, customs, manners, and teaching to guide.
2)         Commandments or rules are like fences.
a)         When I was a boy on the farm, we had electric fences to keep the calves from running away. The baby calves had to learn to obey the electric fence. They learned by getting stung by it when they got too close.
b)         Dad’s rules are like those fences. He knows from experience that beyond the fence is danger. Many young people scar or destroy their lives with drugs, alcohol, crime, or sex because their dads set up no fences, or they climbed over the fences.
3)         Laws give instruction and direction. Mothers must spend instructional time with the children daily. Her duties are to help dad instil the practical, social, moral and spiritual foundations for life.
4)         Dad and Mum are to work together in harmony to biblically protect and instruct their children.
b.      Children must obey and not forsake these.
1)         God commands that children are to keep (i.e., guard, observe) their father’s commands or rules.
2)         God commands that children must not forsake (i.e., ignore) their mother’s laws or instructions.
3)         Children, you must continually bind these rules and instructions on your heart. How? Bind them by accepting them as from God. Bind them by realising that they are for your good. Bind them by memorising Scriptures that support them. Ask Dad and Mum for such Bible verses if you do not know them.
4)         Children, you must tie these about your necks. Value them as you would a gold chain around your neck. Keep them safe, as if wearing them on a rope around your neck.
5)         God commands you to value your parent’s rules and instructions so much that you adopt them in your heart and keep them close so that you will never ignore them.
2.     God’s Reasons
a.      Parental rules and instructions are beneficial.
1)         When you go, it will lead you. When we fly to the US next week, our jets will have two pilots. Why? One might get sick or suddenly die. What would happen if both died? __ Crash! No one to lead. When birds migrate in winter, why do they always go to the right place? __ Their God-given instinct leads. When one bee finds sweet nectar, how do the others find it? __ He directs them. Planes, birds, and bees need leadership and so do you! Without parental leadership, young people often crash.
2)         When you sleep, it will keep you. How will obeying your parents and cherishing their rules and instructions keep you at night? It will keep you from doing things at night that are sinful – partying, drinking, smoking, drugs, sex, looking at porn, stealing, or fighting. It will give you peaceful sleep instead of guilty sleep. (Proverbs 3:24) “When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.
3)         When you awake, it will talk with you. During waking hours, obeying your parent’s rules and laws will give you counsel and comfort. When you are about to make a decision or choice, the instructions hidden in your heart will talk to your conscience, helping you to make wise choices.
b.      Without parental rules and laws, you will suffer.
Many young people envy their peers who have no parents that care, or whose parents set no rules or laws for them. That is foolish thinking. A grapevine that is never trimmed, trained, and forced to go a proper direction becomes a useless vine. A dog that is never trained and forced to do right becomes a frustrating and sometimes dangerous animal.
1)         Without parental rules and laws, you will lack direction, protection, and counsel.
2)         Instead of envying your peers who can do as they please, you ought to pity them. Like the unpruned grapevine and untrained dog, your peers will struggle at best and often make a mess of their lives.
3)         Many sins of youth leave scars and pain that haunt them for the rest of their lives. God’s way is far better!
3.     God’s Promises
a.      Parental rules and instructions give needed light.
1)         Rules are like lamps. Lamps lighten the area near them to keep you from immediate danger.
2)         Instructions are like the light of the sun. They enlighten the whole surroundings, giving clear understanding.
b.      Parental reproofs of discipline lead to life.
1)         The phrase, reproofs of instruction, literally refers to correction of discipline or rebuke of chastening.
2)         Rules without enforcement are useless suggestions. A child’s sinful nature is foolish. He chooses fun over work, selfishness over sharing, and rebellion over submission. God knew this when He said, “Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.” (Proverbs 22:15).
3)         God has given parents His authority to enforce their rules and instructions. In fact, He commands them to do so. (Ephesians 6:4) “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.Nurture is instruction with discipline, and admonition is warning and exhortation.
4)         We have God’s promise that these lead to life. This has a twofold application.
a)         Enforced rules and instructions lead to a better and longer life on earth. A young person who obeys and cherishes the rules and instructions of his parents will avoid bad friends, trouble with the law, shattered relationships, drunkenness, and a bad reputation.
b)         Enforced rules and instructions given by parents who love the Lord and live a godly example, will include regular and clear instruction from God’s Word. A young person who learns to submit to parental instruction is more likely to submit to God’s instruction regarding salvation. He is more likely to be saved to eternal life.
Conclusion: In Proverbs 6:20-23, we have looked at God’s Instruction, His Reason, and His Promise to help parents and young people to have happier and more productive lives.
Now you must decide what you will do with these words of God. If you put them into practice, you will benefit greatly from them, now and for eternity. If you ignore them, life will be a bumpy ride, and you may very well crash and suffer for it for all eternity. Choose God’s way!
Song: Proverbs 6:20-23 chorus.