Introduction: On January 6, I read through Matthew 6. As I did, the Lord used it to convict my heart and challenge me to change. I want to share with you what I learned. Read Matthew 6:24-34.
Transition: As I pondered verse 34, I discovered four reasons that you and I must take one day at a time. Let me share them with you.
The first reason to take one day at a time is that
1. God forbids us to be anxious about tomorrow.
A. The word “therefore” points us to previous verses.
(1) Beginning in Mat 6:24, Jesus urged that we serve God rather than working to accumulate mammon. Mammon is materialism; the things of this life.
(2) Jesus illustrated this with birds and flowers (v.25-30).
(3) He then applied it to the daily life of humans (v.31-32).
(4) He concluded with the command to seek first God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and with the promise that if we do, God will provide for us all our earthly necessities (v.33).
B. Since God so provided, we must not worry.
(1) The idea of “take thought for the morrow” is to be care-filled or to be worried about the events of tomorrow.
(2) This does not suggest that it is wrong to plan ahead. Many Scriptures urge us to prepare for eternity by trusting Christ; to prepare for Judgment Day by living godly lives; to prepare for meeting Christ by living pure lives [as we noted this morning in 1 John 3:1-3].
(3) What Jesus was saying is that we ought not to be filled with care and worry about the events of tomorrow. When we feel anxious about the future, we are literally doubting that God will meet our needs and provide for us as he promised to do. Take one day at a time!
The second reason to take one day at a time is that
2. Tomorrow will have its own burdens.
A. Jesus was not denying daily needs.
(1) Life has needs. We need to eat. Thirst is part of life. Clothing is vital for warmth and modesty.
(2) The birds eat daily as God feeds them (v.26).
(3) Worrying about food will never help us grow (v.27).
(4) God provides clothing for the lilies (without any thought on their part) that is more beautiful that the very best clothing Solomon owned (v.28-29).
(5) Unbelievers fret about their need for food, drink, and clothing, yet God knows that we have need of these things (v.32).
B. Tomorrow will have its own set of needs.
(1) Tomorrow will have needs just as today has needs.
(2) However, God wants us to take one day at a time and not fret about tomorrow’s needs. Turn with me to 1 Kings 17:8-16. (Read it).The widow at Zarephath learned to trust God one day at a time.
(3) Tomorrow’s needs will occupy tomorrow; they ought not occupy today as well.
(4) Finding the correct balance which enables us to plan for the future yet trust God to provide one day at a time is our constant challenge.
(5) The Devil wants us to dwell on all the “what ifs” that might take place. He does not want us to trust God one day at a time.
The third reason to take one day at a time is that
3. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
A. Note how Jesus expressed it (v.34).
(1) He said “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof”. This “evil” is all sorts of bad things. In context, it includes our daily needs for food, drink and clothing. If you are hungry, thirsty, or cold that is bad. Other bad things include pain, heartache, hardships, problems, etc.
(2) Life since Adam and Eve fell into sin is plagued by evil. Women are cursed with sorrow and an unsubmissive spirit (Ge 3:16). Men are cursed with the sorrow and sweat of growing food amid thorns and thistles (Ge 3:17).
(3) Truly, each day has enough evil of its own.
B. We must not add tomorrow’s evil to today’s.
(1) Since each day has plenty of bad things of its own, it is wrong to add to today the bad things that will happen tomorrow.
(2) Each day has enough evil for itself. Jesus was not suggesting that putting God first in our lives would eliminate all evil from our lives. Evil will still exist every day of our lives; however, God does not want us to carry that burden. He wants us to let him carry that burden for us. (Philippians 4:6) “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.“
The fourth reason to take one day at a time is that
4. God promised provisions and grace for just one day at a time.
A. Step back and note the overall teaching here.
(1) In context, Jesus was urging his listeners to live for God’s glory not for materialism. He told them not to fret about the necessities of life, but rather to trust God to provide them.
(2) Day by day, God feeds the birds.
(3) Day by day, God clothes the lilies.
(4) Since God cares for the lesser things of creation, we can be confident that he also cares for us. We just need faith like a bird or a lily (v.30).
(5) We must focus our thoughts on just one day at a time.
B. When we put God first, He will provide.
(1) Verse 33 is the key that unlocks God’s provisions. Verse 34 then is God’s command to trust him to provide one day at a time.
(2) When we fret about today or tomorrow, we are placing ourselves in the driver’s seat instead of letting the Lord drive.
(3) If we will humbly trust him, he will provide. (James 4:6) “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.“
(4) This is easier said than done. Why? The end of verse 30 gives us the answer. We lack fear of God and faith in His abilities.
Conclusion: God has been challenging me through these verses to have greater faith in Him and to trust him one day at a time. He cares about me and you far more than he cares for the little birds or the flowers of the field.
When fretful thoughts enter my mind, I strive to remember that Jesus said I must seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and then trust him to provide for my earthly needs one day at a time.
I know that each day you have your own set of burdens. I also know that you too are tempted to be filled with care and worry. May I encourage you to do as I am striving to do. Let’s trust God to meet our needs one day at a time!