19/07/2023 Wednesday
The Revelation
Study of John’s Revelation
Chapter 17
Chapter 17 – Introduction
Introductory Comments
This chapter is not in chronological order.
Many Bible teachers think that Revelation 17 describes the fall of religious Babylon and Revelation 18 describes the
fall of economic Babylon. Ryrie Study Notes; Walvoord, Revelation 243
The word “whore” is also translated “harlot.” This immoral woman represents apostate religion.
Many terms in these chapters are figurative
Fornication is uniting with false religions.
The woman is not human, but a false religious system.
Her fine clothing pictures prosperity.
Drunken with the blood of the saints – she killed God’s people.
Chapter 17 – Religious Babylon
Religious Babylon Described (Re 17:1-6)
She sits on many waters – she has international influence (v.1). Compare v.15.
She interacts with political leaders – an unholy alliance between apostate religion and government (v.2).
She was in a solitary place, sitting on a scarlet beast (v.3).
The beast was full of blasphemous names, and had seven heads and ten horns (cf., 13:1) – the Antichrist and allies.
The woman was very wealthy as indicated by her dress (v.4). She carried a golden cup full of her religious heresy.
Some speculate that her golden cup is a golden chalice used in the Roman Mass.
Chapter 17 – Religious Babylon
Her descriptive name is on her forehead (v.5).
The word “abominations” speaks of things pertaining to idolatry.
Ryrie states, “Though the famous city of Babylon was on the Euphrates River, the name here seems to be a symbolic reference to
Rome (see v.9 and 1Peter 5:13).”
She is responsible for killing the saints and martyrs (v.6).
Certainly, this was true of the Catholic Church during the Inquisition; however, it is also true of Muslims and others who persecute
When John saw her, he wondered (i.e., marvelled). The word “admiration” is the noun form of the verb translated “wondered.” He
wondered with great wonder.
The angel asked John why he wondered and said that he would explain this mystery (v.7).
Chapter 17 – Religious Babylon
Religious Babylon Detailed (Re 17:8-15)
The angel gives John details about the beast.
The beast is the Antichrist and his revived empire (v.8).
Unbelievers will marvel and admire him (v.8 b).
His seven heads are seven mountains (v.9).
John Ecob thinks these heads are past empires and the coming EU. Evidently, he thinks the heads and kings (v.10) are the same. Bible Prophecy
Handbook, p. 266
Ryrie states, “Though Rome is built on more than seven hills, it has been known as the legendary city on seven hills, indicating that the center of
Antichrist’s power will be Rome.”
In addition, there are seven kings (v.10). Five past, one present (in John’s day), and one future (perhaps the Revived Roman Empire).
The beast is the eighth king, yet part of the seven (v.11).
Chapter 17 – Religious Babylon
The 10 horns are 10 kings that will reign briefly (v.12).
Walvoord claims that these ten kings will not rule in succession but simultaneously. They will reign together with the beast for a short time
before the world empire is established. (Walvoord, Revelation 255)
Ryrie adds, “The 10-nation federation will form in the West and will be headed by Antichrist.”
“The kings of the earth” are not the same as the ten kings in verse 12. The ten kings will have to do only with the Roman Empire … the civil
power of the day; but the kings of the earth signify the whole world. Oliver B. Greene
They will be unified and support the Antichrist (v.13).
These powers will make war with the Lamb (Christ) (v.14).
He will overcome them!
Those with Him are likely the saints.
The waters represent the peoples of the world (v.15).
Chapter 17 – Religious Babylon
Religious Babylon Destroyed (Re 17:16-18)
The 10 horns (10 kings, v.12) will hate religious Babylon and destroy her (v.16). This is likely in the middle of the
Tribulation. Ryrie
God places this in their hearts to fulfil His will (v.17). These kings will submit their kingdoms to the beast.
The woman is the great city that has royal power over the world (v.18).
Personal Application
The ecumenical movement today is of the devil. It is preparing people for the harlot religion of the
The harlot will pervert truth and hate true Christians.
The Antichrist will use the harlot for 3 ½ years then turn on her and destroy her.
We must separate from the ecumenical movement. We must stand for Biblical doctrinal truth.
We must believe and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.