Book of Numbers

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Numbers 23-24

31 January 2024 Lesson: 16 Numbers 23-24 The Failure of Israel en route to Moab Once again, the main outline is from the Open Bible, slightly edited. Balaam Blesses Israel Balak’s first attempt to have Israel cursed (23:1-10).         The location of this first sacrifice was at Kirjathhuzoth. Some claim that this location was near […]

Numbers 22

24 January 2024 Lesson: 15 Numbers 22 The Failure of Israel en route to Moab Once again, the main outline is from the Open Bible, slightly edited. Israel in the Plains of Moab Balak called for Balaam (v.1-7).         We first note that Israel was camped in the plains of Moab on this side (i.e., […]

Numbers 21

NUMBERS 13 December 2023 Lesson: 14 Numbers 21 The Failure of Israel en route to Moab Once again, the main outline is from the Open Bible, slightly edited. The Battle at Hormah         Arad the Canaanite took some of the Israelites captive. They prayed and the Lord delivered up the Canaanites into their hands. They […]

Numbers 20

NUMBERS 6 November 2023 Lesson: 13 Numbers 20 The Failure of Israel en route to Moab Once again, the main outline is from the Open Bible, slightly edited. Miriam died (v.1) The congregation entered the desert of Zin. (See map). There they abode in Kadesh. Miriam died while they were in Kadesh and was buried. […]

Numbers 18:25-19:22

29 November 2023 Lesson: 12 Numbers 18:25-19:22 The Failure of Israel in the Wilderness Once again, the main outline is from the Open Bible, slightly edited. Role of the Priests Levitical tithing instructions (18:25-32)         The tithe was the first ten percent of the produce of the field and flock. However, the Levites had no […]

Numbers 17-18a

22 November 2023 Lesson: 11 Numbers 17:1-18:24 The Failure of Israel in the Wilderness Once again, the main outline is from the Open Bible, slightly edited. Role of the Priests Aaronic priesthood confirmed (17:1-13).         God commanded that the chief prince from each tribe bring his rod to Moses (17:2). These rods were dry walking […]

Numbers 16

NUMBERS 8 November 2023 Lesson: 10 Numbers 16 The Failure of Israel in the Wilderness Once again, the main outline is from the Open Bible, slightly edited. Rebellion of Korah Korah’s gang rebelled against Moses and Aaron (16:1-14).         The members of Korah’s gang included Dathan, Abiram, and On. Korah was of the tribe of […]

Numbers 15

NUMBERS 1 November 2023 Lesson: 9 Numbers 15 The Failure of Israel in the Wilderness Once again, the main outline is from the Open Bible, slightly edited. David Guzik makes an excellent point. “Israel was at one of its lowest points in history. It had just rebelliously rejected God’s offer to bring the nation into […]

Numbers 13-14

NUMBERS 25 October 2023 Lesson: 8 Numbers 13-14 The Major Failure of Israel at Kadesh Once again, the main outline is from the Open Bible, edited. Spies Investigate the Promised Land (13:1-33)         God told Moses to send spies into Canaan (13:1-2). One ruler from each tribe was chosen.         Note what Moses said to […]

Numbers 11-12

NUMBERS 11-12 18 October 2023  Lesson: 7 Numbers 11:1-12:16 Israel’s Failure En Route to Kadesh Complaining of the People (11:1-9) The people complained. The Hebrew adds, “of evil” or “of adversity”. They had only travelled for three days (10:33) and already they are complaining of their hardships. The LORD heard them, as He hears all […]