Avoiding Despair
12 December 2021 PM – Genesis 40:1-23 – Gen2021 – Scott Childs
Introduction: Hope is the opposite of despair. Despair is the sense that all hope is gone. “There are millions of African women who face despair over their plight at the hands of Islamic invaders who rape them, kill them, or take them as sex slaves. There are many that live in poverty and ghetto like conditions that see no possibility of life becoming different for them. There are parents whose hearts have been so devastated by wayward children that they live in despair. There are children and women who live with daily abuse who feel like their life is a torture chamber. How many people look at their bank account and feel despair as they realize a growing inability to meet their obligations. Despair is real.” https://www.preaching.com/sermons/living-with-hope-in-the-face-of-despair/ edited
Transition: Joseph’s example in Gen. 40 shows us how to avoid despair.
Joseph kept busy serving others (v.4)