Benefits of Justification

5 December 2021 AM – Romans 5:1-5 – Ro2021 – Scott Childs
Introduction: We all like to know the benefits of supplements, benefits of insurance policies, benefits of certain diets and benefits of electing a candidate. As Paul begins Romans 5, he builds on the word justified. The word, therefore (Ro 5:1), points us back to Romans 4:25.
            We wonder, what are the benefits of being justified?
Transition: As we study Romans 5:1-5, we will find at least three benefits that apply to us if we have been justified.
Our first benefit of being justified is that …
  1. We have peace with God (v.1-2)
If you have ever tried to push similar ends of two magnets together, you have felt them resist each other. To a small degree, that pictures the relationship of God to a sinner. Just as you were born with dark skin or light skin, black or light hair, blue or brown eyes, you were also born a sinner. You had no choice in the matter. Both the sin nature with which you were born and the sins you have chosen to do, make you a sinner. Because God is holy, and He repels all sin, you cannot come near to God.
However, if you have been justified by faith, you have received God’s righteousness. You now have peace with God instead of being repelled by God. That peace is not just a feeling of tranquillity; it is a fact of reality. You have been reconciled to God (cf., Ro 5:10). With that peace, you are welcomed into God’s presence, not repelled.
a.         We have permanent access to this grace (v.2)
1)         Here God calls our peace with God a grace or an undeserved benefit.
2)         When God says (v.2) that we have access by faith into this grace, He speaks of permanent access.
3)         We received that access to God’s peace the moment we placed our faith or trust in Christ. It is permanent Perfect Tense. It is more permanent than any lifetime product warranty that is only good as long as the company exists.
b.         We also permanently stand in this grace.
1)         As justified believers, we stand in this grace. Our access to God’s peace is a settled fact. It is fixed, firm, and sure.
2)         We have a firm footing. We will never fall and lose our permanent access to God’s peace. We must remember that Paul is ONLY talking about true Christians. If you have not yet repented of your sin and trusted Christ to save you, you have no peace with God or access to God.
3)         You might ask, “What happens when a Christian sins? Does he still stand in this grace?” When a true Christian sins, he loses his sweet fellowship with God, but he will never lose his relationship with Him. (1John 1:6-7) “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” God will restore that fellowship when the sinning Christian confesses it. (1John 1:9) “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Justification gives us peace with God, but another benefit is that …
2.        We can rejoice in hope of the glory of God (v.2)
a.         True Christians can rejoice
1)         Interestingly, the word translated “rejoice” is translated “glory” in verse 3 and “joy” in verse 11.
2)         A closer look at the word reveals that it describes one who glories or boasts in something. Such boasting can be bad. We are tempted to do this when we win a game, score a goal or receive an honour. However, in this chapter, it is used in a good sense. Later in the book, Paul uses it again in a good sense. (Rom 12:12) “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;
b.         Our rejoicing must be properly directed
1)         A benefit of being justified by God is that we can rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
2)         In this chapter, I believe that hope is the confident hope of entering the glory of God in heaven. God has given us peace with Him. He has given us access to that peace with God. We must believe that He will receive us into His glory. The Apostle Peter also used it in a similar sense. (1Peter 1:3-5) “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
3)         It is right and proper for us to rejoice, glory or boast in God’s grace, which gives us this confident hope of spending all eternity with Him.
4)         This glorying is certainly not in anything we have done. In our own efforts, we have hope of nothing but doom.
So far, we have learned that being justified gives peace with God and rejoicing in hope, but there is another unusual benefit …
3.        We can glory in tribulations (v.3-5)
a.         This boasting stands in contrast to the former
1)         Rejoicing in hope of entering God’s glory, has a future focus.
2)         Now, this glorying or boasting has a present focus. Those who have been justified by the blood of Christ can now glory in tribulations.
a)         A “tribulation” is a pressure, affliction or stress of any kind.
b)         In the Bible tribulations usually refer to various forms of persecution received by a believer who seeks to live for the Lord. (2Tim 3:12) “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
c)         Had Paul faced any tribulations during his ministry? He sure did. In fact, he lists many of them for us in 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 (Read if time).
3)         In many countries today, Christians are enduring terrible tribulations for their faith in Christ. Some are even being martyred.
4)         Severe tribulations may be coming for us, but what sort of tribulations might we face this week? You could lose your job for refusing to tell a lie. People may call you names if you seek to live godly. Someone may swear at you for trying to share the Gospel with him. Your friends may leave you if you speak out against their ungodly talk. Your unsaved family may avoid you or badmouth you if you refuse to participate in their sinful activities. Your work colleagues may turn against you if you do not attend their godless Christmas party.
5)         What will happen if we properly glory in tribulations?
a)         Tribulation brings about patience or endurance.
b)         Enduring hardships by learning to trust God brings about experience or approved character.
c)         Approved character brings about confident hope.
d)         Confident hope in God leaves no reason for shame.
6)         The bottom line is that God uses persecutions to strengthen and purify our lives for His glory; therefore, we ought to glory in persecutions. I admit that is not easy!
b.         This boasting is motivated by God’s love (v.5)
1)         The first half of verse 3 picks up in the second line of verse 5. We are to glory in tribulations … because the love of God was poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
2)         The indwelling Holy Spirit pours out God’s love in our hearts to help us grow spiritually through persecution.
3)         Evidently, if we do not live godly, we will not be persecuted, and we will miss out on this part of God’s love.
Conclusion: Today, God has revealed to us three benefits of being justified. If God has justified you, these benefits are yours. (Review)
            These benefits are treasures. We need peace with God. We want hope for the future. Oddly enough, we also need tribulations to help us become more godly. These are all benefits of being made righteous.
            If you have not yet repented of your sin and trusted Christ to save you from hell, these benefits are not yet yours. God invites you to come to Him right now. Will you do it?
Song: Have Thine Own Way – 388