19 July 2020 AM – Titus 1:10-11 – Tit20 – Scott Childs
Introduction: A gainsayer is one who contradicts or denies sound Bible doctrine. Charles Spurgeon wisely said, “A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” Studying your Bible carefully and learning it well, will keep you from being a gainsayer and protect you from those who are.
Transition: This morning we are going to examine the character, conduct, craving and correction of gainsayers that this might keep us from becoming one.
1. The Gainsayer’s Character
a. They are unruly (v.10)
1) The idea here is that they are insubordinate or unsubjected. They defy established authority. In the case at hand, they defied Paul’s preaching and doctrine. They defied the Word of God that he preached. They refused to follow what was being taught.
2) The word depicts one who is rebellious.
3) The word is translated disobedient in 1 Timothy 1:9.
4) They are disobedient (outwardly or inwardly).
a) Some gainsayers are outwardly insubordinate. They argue with the preacher. They express their opposition to others. They openly speak against church leadership. They are quick to get in the face of those with whom they disagree.
b) Other gainsayers are inwardly insubordinate. They go along with things, but inwardly they grumble and complain. Outwardly, they conform while inwardly they rebel. Instead of getting in your face, they stab you in the back when you are not looking.
c) Both outward and inward gainsayers are evil. It is difficult to say which is more dangerous.
5) If you have a disagreement with your pastor or your church, Jesus said the right way to deal with it is to speak to the offender privately (Mt 18:15-17).
b. They are vain talkers (v.10)
1) This word is only used here in the Bible.
2) They are idle talkers. They say empty senseless things. They dispute over trivial matters.
3) Vain talkers are nitpickers, someone who makes small and unjustified criticisms. They cause strife.
4) The apostle James wrote, (James 3:14-16) “But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.“
5) Jesus warned in (Matthew 12:36) “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.“
c. They are deceivers (v.10)
1) This word too is only used here in the Bible.
2) It speaks of those who are mind-deceivers. They play on the minds of others, seeking to get them to believe as they do.
3) They lure others into their way of thinking.
4) Such deceivers are very subtle. They play on the mind. They use logic and reasoning to persuade. They manipulate others.
5) They are like the deceitful person described by Solomon. (Proverbs 27:6) “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.“
6) This accurately describes the cults today. I believe that many in the cults are sincere people who have been deceived and then are taught to deceive others. They twist the meaning of Scripture. They take verses out of their context. They use logic to deny Scripture. For example, I have had cult members tell me that, “No loving God would send a person to a literal eternal hell fire. You would not do that to a person you loved, so neither would God.” That sounds logical, but it is playing on the mind to get you to deny what God said. God said, (Matthew 10:28) “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Revelation 20:15) “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.“
d. Gainsayers were common among the Jews (v.10)
1) The phrase “they of the circumcision” refers to a Jewish person.
2) Paul wrote the entire book of Galatians to refute Jews who were opposing the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. The Gainsayer’s Conduct
a. They subvert whole houses (v.11)
1) The word “subvert” means to overthrow, to overturn or to destroy. In context, this overthrow and destruction was not physical as in tearing down or demolishing a structure. It rather described the demolishing of one’s faith. It was overthrowing the Bible beliefs of others. It was leading them away from Bible truth into unbiblical thinking.
2) They destroyed whole houses. Entire families were corrupted by the gainsayers. In our 26 years here at this church, I have seen this happen to several families.
b. They taught things which they ought not (v.11)
1) They taught things that were not right. Man’s logic can never replace God’s eternal truth.
2) They should not have been teaching such things.
3. The Gainsayer’s Craving
a. They crave filthy lucre (v.11)
1) We saw these same English words “filthy lucre” back in verse 7. However, a different Greek word here refers not to money but to dishonourable gain.
2) They sought to gain acceptance and followers and they ruined the lives of those they deceived.
b. Their craving was corrupt (v.11)
1) Leading others away from the truth of God’s salvation is a terrible thing to do.
2) On Judgment Day, God will deal harshly with all who lead others astray. Jesus said in (Mark 9:42) “And whosoever shall offend [cause to stumble]one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.“
4. The Gainsayer’s Correction
a. Their mouths must be stopped (v.11)
1) This is an interesting phrase. It literally says, “their mouths must be bridled.” A bridle on a horse is used to control the horse.
2) Somehow, the mouths of these gainsayers must be brought under control. Until they were stopped and controlled, they would continue to spread their false ideas and destroy people’s lives.
b. They must be confronted with sound doctrine (v.9)
1) Last week we saw briefly in verse 9 that a pastor has the job of exhorting and convincing the gainsayers.
2) He is to use sound doctrine to accomplish this difficult task. Sound doctrine is healthy doctrine. It is free from any mixture of error. The apostle Paul told Timothy how to learn sound doctrine. (2 Timothy 2:15) “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” This is still true for us today.
3) Years ago D. L. Moody said, “In our prayers, we talk to God, in our Bible study, God talks to us, and we had better let God do most of the talking.” That’s good advice.
Conclusion: My friend, God does not want any of us to have the character, conduct, or craving of a gainsayer. If in your heart, you struggle to submit to Bible standards, you love to dispute over trivial spiritual matters and you seek to manipulate others to think contrary to Bible truth, you need to beg God to forgive you and change your heart. Saying things to gain followers who will join you in opposing sound Bible teaching is a terrible sin.
The best protection against gainsayers is to know your Bible well. If someone finds fault with sound Bible doctrine, use sound doctrine to exhort and convince him. If he or she is not teachable, stay away from that person. If the gainsayer is part of our church, tell your pastor right away.