Stay on God’s Path
19 July 2020 PM – 2Chronicles 34-35 – Kings20 – Scott Childs
Introduction: The spiritual life of Judah in the 7th century BC was much like a yoyo. They went down with wicked Ahaz for 16 years. They went up with his godly son Hezekiah for 29 years. Then his very ungodly son Manasseh took them way down for 55 years. He repented and tried to bring the nation back up spiritually, but with little success. Amon his son took them back down again for another 2 years. God in His mercy then raised up the boy king Josiah to lead the nation back up again for 31 years. This evening, we are going to see that Josiah was an amazing and godly young king. He stayed on God’s path during his entire life.
Transition: God gives us a briefing about Josiah at five ages of his life, each of which teach us valuable lessons.
Josiah at age 8
a. He was crowned king (34:1)
1) After servants assassinated his father, the people of the land place the boy Josiah on the throne.
2) His mother’s name was Jedidah, but we know nothing about her, but it is likely that she was godly (2Ki 22:1). He must have also had godly mentors and counsellors.
b. He did right in the sight of the Lord (34:2)
1) This description probably describes his entire life, but it began when he was just eight.
2) God saw him as righteous. He walked in the good ways of David.
3) He faithfully walked with the Lord and “declined neither to the right hand, nor to the left.” He stayed on God’s path. God did not say that about any other king. Life has many sinful “rabbit trails” that lure us off God’s path. We must be like Josiah and ignore those tempting trails.
Josiah at age 16
a. He began to seek the Lord (34:3)
1) The word “seek” means, to resort to or enquire. It is to look for or search for something or for answers.
2) This may have been when he personally placed his faith in the Lord. On the other hand, it may have been when he became diligent in seeking the Lord’s will for his life.
b. Seeking the Lord is a personal choice
1) Others, like your parents and your pastor can point you in God’s direction, but once you are old enough to understand, you are responsible for your soul. You must place your faith in the Lord to escape judgment.
2) You will not go to heaven because your parents are Christians. You must choose Christ. Young people, have you done that? Are you sure God has forgiven your sins?
3) If you are, then let others see it. Seek God’s will for your daily life, as did Josiah.
Josiah at age 20
a. He began to purge the land of idolatry (34:3-7)
1) Having sought the Lord’s will for his life for four years and now having become a young man, he turned his attention to the spiritual condition of his nation.
2) He broke down, cut down, beat down, and burned all that pertained to idol worship.
b. Spiritual healing starts with removing evil
1) In your own life, before you can grow spiritually, you must remove the sinful things that are holding you back.
2) Hindrances may be bad friends, bad books, bad viewing habits, bad social habits, bad language, etc.
3) Sinful hindrances act as anchors and will hold you back spiritually. You must break them and remove them.
Josiah at age 26
a. He repaired the house of the LORD (34:8-33)
1) The temple had decayed from years of abuse and neglect (34:8-13). Josiah determined to repair it.
2) Workers found the book of the Law as they cleaned out temple (34:14-15). How sad. The Bible had been so neglected that no one even knew where it was. Where is your Bible? When is the last time you read from it by yourself?
3) They read the Law to King Josiah (34:16-19).
4) Josiah ordered that the priests go enquire of the Lord for him concerning all that they had read in the Law (34:20-21).
5) They went to Huldah the prophetess (34:22). [This is one occasion when the men of Israel had gotten so far away from God that God spoke through a godly woman.]
a) She said that evil was coming because of Judah’s sins (34:24-25).
b) She said that because Josiah’s heart was tender and he repented, tore his clothes, and wept when he heard God’s word, God would allow him to die in peace before judgment came (34:27-28)
6) Josiah then had the Law read to all the people of his nation (34:30). He obeyed the Bible and commanded his people to serve the Lord (34:33). He and the people made a covenant to walk after the Lord and obey the Bible with all their heart and with all their soul (2Ki 23:3). That is a great thing for every Christian to do. Perhaps God would have you make such a covenant tonight.
7) Josiah also went further in destroying idol worship in the land. In doing this, he fulfilled a 330-year-old prophecy. Read 1 Kings 13:2 and then 2 Kings 23:15-18.
b. He conducted a great Passover (35:1-19)
1) This was a great national time of worship.
2) They offered many animal sacrifices a part of their worship.
3) As Christians, we are to offer up spiritual sacrifices (1Pe 2:5). We offer spiritual sacrifices by offering our bodies to God’s service (Ro 12:1), by thanking and praising God, by doing good and sharing with the needy (Heb 13:15-16), by supporting missions (Php 4:18), and by walking in love (Eph 5:2).
Josiah at age 39