Moses’ Amazing Faith
13 October 2019 AM – Hebrews 11:23-29 – Heb19 – Scott Childs
Introduction: Many consider Moses to be the greatest prophet in the Bible. During his 120-year life, he spent 40 years as a prince in the Egyptian palace, 40 years in the Midian desert as a shepherd, and 40 years communing with God, writing Scripture and leading the rebellious nation of Israel. Moses was an amazing man of faith.
Transition: In our text, the apostle Paul briefly highlights three facts about Moses’ amazing faith that ought to boost our faith.
1. Fact one, By faith Moses learned God’s way, v.23
a. Moses’ parents had faith to trust God.
1) Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, commanded that every Hebrew boy baby must be killed at birth. (Exodus 1:22) “And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive.”
2) Moses’ parents had faith in God and refused to obey Pharaoh’s order.
a) They managed to hide baby Moses for 3 months.
b) By faith, they feared God more than punishment from Pharaoh.
b. Moses’ parents instilled faith in him very early.
1) God worked a miracle and Moses was adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter. She hired his mother to be his nurse (Ex 2:9-10).
2) We do not know how old Moses was when he moved to the palace. JFB states, “His age when removed to the palace is not stated; but he was old enough to be well instructed in the principles of the true religion; and those early impressions, deepened by the power of divine grace, were never forgotten or effaced.”
3) During those few years, Moses’ parents carefully brought up their son in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
O Parents, you have no idea how long your children will be in your care. Are you rearing them to have great faith in God? Are you helping them memorise God’s Word and apply it to every area in life? If you child was taken from you today, would he maintain faith in God?
2. Fact two, By faith Moses chose God’s will, v.24-26
a. Moses chose to suffer affliction rather than to enjoy sinful pleasure.
1) Until Moses was 40 years old, he lived in luxury. He grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth. He was a prince, honoured by all. He received the best education of the day (Ac 7:22). He was rich. Some believe that he was being prepped to be the next Pharaoh.
2) When he was 40 years old, he made a life-changing choice (v.24-25). He chose to do God’s will.
a) He gave up all to serve the Lord. Do you think that was a difficult choice? Absolutely! It is never easy to choose serving over selfishness, persecution over popularity or God’s will over earthly wealth.
b) His choice changed his entire life.
3) God never promised His people a life of ease.
a) Jesus said, (Luke 9:23) “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”
b) The Apostle Paul wrote, (Philippians 1:29) “For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;”
c) (1 Thessalonians 3:4) “For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass, and ye know.”
d) (2 Timothy 3:12) “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”
O Choosing to suffer affliction with God’s people rather than enjoying the pleasures of sin sounds foolish but it is the wisest choice you can make.
b. Moses chose God’s reward over Egyptian riches.
1) Sin is often pleasurable. Moses did not deny that, but he wisely realised that the pleasures of sin only last for a season.
2) Sin’s pleasures are brief.
a) Partaking in lust does not satisfy.
b) The euphoria of fornication and adultery ends in guilt.
c) Riches do not bring peace to the soul.
d) Gambling ruins lives. Alcohol is a curse!
e) Satan is a deceitful liar. Sin brings heartache.
3) Moses regarded reproach (shameful disgrace), like that which Christ suffered, to be greater riches than the treasures of Egypt. What? How can reproach be greater than riches?
4) Moses had respect unto (i.e., he turned his eyes away from the reproach and fixed them upon eternity) the recompence of the reward (God’s eternal payment).
a) Investing in God’s will pays eternal dividends.
b) Moses recognised that this life is only the dressing room for eternity. C.T. Studd, “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last.”
c) Jesus taught, (Matthew 6:20) “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:”
O Have faith in God. Those who choose God’s will in this life, God will be reward for all eternity.
3. Fact three, By faith Moses followed God’s word, v.27-29
a. Moses feared the invisible God more than he feared the angry pharaoh.
1) Moses could not see God as he could see Pharaoh, yet by faith he feared God more than he feared Pharaoh.
a) Forty years earlier Moses fled Egypt because he had killed an Egyptian while defending an Israelite.
b) Certainly some of those still living remembered Moses from his youth in the palace.
c) Walking into that palace after so many years absence must have been a fearful task, yet Moses did it by faith in God’s word.
2) God told Moses to speak to Pharaoh. Following God’s word Moses repeatedly gave Pharaoh God’s message, “Let my people go!” Humanly speaking, that was an unreasonable request.
3) Pharaoh got angry with Moses many times, yet by faith, Moses continued to follow God’s word.
a) By faith, Moses followed God’s word, and caused the ten plagues (BiF, LiF, MuB, HuL, DiF) that destroyed Egypt and its gods.
b) By faith, Moses instituted the Passover sacrifice, meal, and escape from Egypt. It took faith to paint blood on the doorposts to protect from God’s death angel.
O Will you have faith in God’s word to do fearful and difficult tasks that God has for you to do?
b. Moses led Israel through the Red Sea.
1) Shortly after fleeing Egypt, Moses and Israel found themselves in what appeared to be a trap. God led them to the edge of the Red Sea. There was water before them, mountains beside them and the Egyptian army quickly approaching behind them.
2) By faith in God’s word, Moses obeyed God and the Lord delivered them. (Exodus 14:21-22) “And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left.”
3) When the Egyptians tried to follow them, God broke their chariot wheels and brought the waters over them and they all drowned.
Conclusion: Does your faith need a boost? Do you have faith to rear your children according to the Bible? Is instilling God’s word and faith in your children a priority in your life? Do you have faith to choose God’s will? Are you willing to choose suffering for Christ over sinful pleasures? Do you have faith to follow God’s word even in the face of opposition? Have you by faith trusted Christ for salvation? If your faith needs a boost, let God have His way in your life today.
Song: When We See Christ, 149