Privileges through the Holy Spirit
3 April 2022 AM – Romans 8:12-17 – Ro2022 – Scott Childs
Introduction: Most of you know that one of my hobbies is artistic painting. I have found many good painting websites. Some of them share their information freely; however, others require a financial membership of some sort. By becoming a member, a painter gets the privilege of receiving valuable painting tips and lessons that are not available to non-members.
Spiritually speaking, a person who trusts Christ for salvation receives many privileges. First, God forgives his sins and gives him eternal life in heaven. He also receives the indwelling Holy Spirit. This gives him access to many more privileges.
Transition: This morning, I want to point out several privileges that every person who is “in Christ” may enjoy through the Holy Spirit.
He enables us to live after the Spirit (v.12)