The Christian & Government
6 November 2022 AM – Romans 13:1-7 – Rom2022 – Scott Childs
Introduction: As Paul wrote, Nero was the wicked Emperor of Rome. His father died (40 AD) when he was three years old. In 49 AD, his mother became the fourth wife of her uncle Claudius the Emperor to try to get Nero on the throne. In 50 AD, she soon persuaded Claudius to adopt Nero as his son. In 53, Nero married Claudius’ daughter Octavia. His mother had Claudius poisoned in 54, and Nero became the Emperor at the age of 16. In 55, Nero murdered Claudius’ son to prevent rivalry. In 59, his evil mistress Poppaea had his mother killed. In 62, Nero married Poppaea and she plotted to have his first wife Octavia killed. On the 19th of July 64 AD, more than half of Rome burned to the ground. Many believe that Nero started the fire, but he blamed the Christians and severe persecution broke out. In 65, Poppaea, then pregnant, died when Nero kicked her during a fit of rage. (ISBE, “Nero”)
Paul was not writing to a church in a Christian land, but to a church in a godless land.
Transition: This passage gives us Biblical instruction on our responsibilities to government.
Our first responsibility to civil government is to…
Submit to its ordained power (v.1-2)