The Importance of Genesis2

17 January 2021 PM – Genesis 1:1 – Ge2021 – Scott Childs
Introduction: Not only does Genesis give us a detailed account of creation, but also it gives a logical explanation for sedimentary layers, fossils, races, languages, and much more.
Transition: Last Sunday evening we examined two reasons for the importance of Genesis. Continuing where we left off, let me give you more reasons that Genesis ought to strengthen your faith.
  1. Genesis Identifies God as Creator of All
a.         God is the only eternal uncaused cause.
b.         God created all in six literal days.
2.        Genesis is Essential to Bible Credibility
a.         Genesis 1-11 is Foundational
b.         If Genesis 1-11 is not credible, none of the Bible is credible.
1)         Again, Henry Morris states, “The New Testament is, if anything, even more dependent on Genesis than the Old. There are at least 165 passages in Genesis that are either directly quoted or clearly referred to in the New Testament. Many of these are alluded to more than once, so that there are at least two hundred quotations or allusions to Genesis in the New Testament.” The Genesis Record.
2)         Jesus referred to Genesis. (Matthew 19:4) “And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female.
3)         (Acts 17:24) “God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;” (Ge 1)
4)         (2 Corinthians 4:6) “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (Ge 1:3).
5)         (1 Corinthians 15:45) “And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.” (Ge 2:7).
6)         For more see
7)         If we cannot take Genesis 1-11 literally, then we have no assurance that we can take any of the Bible literally. If Genesis is not true, then John’s Gospel may not be either.
3.        Genesis Explains Many Beginnings
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Ge 1:1)
a.         Science cannot explain origins.
1)         The Collins English Dictionary defines science as, “systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied.” Underline added
2)         We must conclude from this definition of science that the question of origins is beyond the scope of true science. The beginning cannot be observed. It cannot be repeated in experiments. Only things that already exist can be studied. Therefore, science cannot address the subject of origins. Evolution is not scientific.
3)         At best, evolution is anti-Creation theories. Evolutionary theories are not scientific. Evolution is a faith religion.
4)         Evolutionary theories contradict the scientific fact that everything in nature decays rather than improves.
5)         Evolution cannot explain the origin of morals or marriage, nor can it give meaning to life. If man evolved from slim on a pond and by unfathomable odds developed into life that improved through survival of the fittest over myriads of years until human beings evolved, then man is just the result of billions of accidents. Life is meaningless and worthless.
6)         How is it that the evolutionary trail left behind no trace of undeniable links to lower creatures? Fossils and bones show no undeniable forms of one creature evolving into another. Evolution contradicts the evidence.
b.         Genesis can explain origins.
1)         In Genesis 1:20, 24, 26, the Bible states that God created all that exists in the universe.
2)         It is true, no human was present at origins, yet God himself tells us what took place. Our faith is in God’s Word not in evolutionary theories or human ideas.
3)         God created every living creature with the design and full ability to multiply after its kind. (Read Gen 1:21, 25) God designed the laws of nature so that every creature has great variety within its kind yet it cannot cross with another kind. The first two dogs had every gene necessary to produce every type of dog, yet not one gene to allow the dog to cross with a cat.
4)         The design, detail and diversity seen in every part of the universe with the naked eye, with the microscope and with the telescope fits perfectly with the biblical Creation model.
5)         Genesis explains material origins
a)         God made the universe (Ge 1:1).
b)         God made the atmosphere and solar system (1:14-18).
c)         God made all living creatures and man (1:20-27). This included the dinosaurs (i.e., dragons, leviathan, and behemoth). God created man in His own image. Man is unique to animals. Being in the image of God, God created him to enjoy language, creativity, love, holiness, immortality and freedom. For a good read about the image of God visit,
6)         Genesis explains social origins
a)         God distinctly created male and female (Ge 1:27).
b)         God ordained marriage. (Genesis 2:24) “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Jesus affirmed that this was at the beginning of time (Matthew 19:4-5).
c)         God set up human government (Ge 9:5-6)
d)         God created multiple languages (Ge 11:7-8)
7)         Genesis explains spiritual origins
a)         God warned that sin would bring spiritual and physical death (2:17)
b)         Disobeying God was sin (3:6)
c)         Sin resulted in a cursed world (e.g., pain in child birth, woman’s desire to control, man’s duty to rule over her, man’s sorrow in work, thorns and thistles, sweat in work, physical death (3:16-19).
d)         God promised a redeemer (3:15).
8)         Without the Book of Genesis, we would have only theories when it comes to the beginning of all things.
4.        Genesis is a Trustworthy Historical Account
Genesis covers nearly 2400 years of world history. That is more than one third of the history of the universe.
a.         Moses is the author of Genesis
1)         “The Mosaic origin of the Pentateuch is established by the concurring voices both of Jewish and Christian tradition; and their unanimous testimony is supported by the internal character and statements of the work itself.” JFB
2)         (John 1:45) “Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
3)          (Luke 24:27) “And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he [Jesus] expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
b.         It appears that Moses used original documents
1)         Morris states, “It is probable that these original documents can still be recognized by the key phrase: “these are the generations of …” p.27
2)         We find these divisions in Genesis 2:4; 5:1; 6:9; 10:1; 11:10; 11:27; 25:12; 25:19; 36:1; 36:9; 37:2.
3)         This explains why in several of these sections the content and wording is unique. For example, in Genesis 36 we read about many dukes but nowhere else in Genesis.
4)         Evidently, God told Moses to use these firsthand records as the basis of this great book.
Conclusion: Genesis is a very important book for many reasons. 1) It identifies God as the creator of all. 2) It is essential to Bible credibility. 3) It explains many beginnings. 3) It is a trustworthy historical account. If you will keep these reasons in mind as you study Genesis, it will build your faith.                     Song: Chorus of God Made Everything