The King Who told a Prophet to be Quiet
17 May 2020 PM – 2 Chronicles 25 – Kings20 – Scott Childs
Welcome to our Sunday evening online church service.
Introduction: When someone tries to give us advice that we do not want to hear, there is a great temptation to tell him or her to be quiet. That is often not the wise thing to do, especially if the person is an authority over us.
King Amaziah, son of Joash, found himself in that very situation. He foolishly began to worship false gods of the Edomites he had just conquered. God’s prophet rebuked him for this. Instead of listening to God’s Word, he told the prophet to be quiet. That was not at all wise!
Transition: Amaziah king of Judah started good but ended badly. His life is another warning that we must stay true to God and not yield to temptations.
Amaziah Started Good