Sermons tagged with ‘Church’

7 Items

Evaluating a Candidate Acts 14:23

Choosing a Pastor 5 January 2025 AM ~ Acts 14:23 Introduction: During political campaigns, many candidates run for the same office. It is our job to compare their character, values, goals, and promises in order to choose the best person for the position. Next week we will be evaluating a pastoral candidate. Evaluating a pastoral […]

Bible Basics 31 – Church & Sabbath

17/08/2022 Wednesday BIBLE BASICS Church: Purpose Review Who can quote Matthew 28:19-20? “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even […]

Bible Basics 30 – Church Purpose

10/08/2022 Wednesday BIBLE BASICS Church: Structure Review What church membership qualifications are found in Acts 2:41? Believed, baptised, added unto them What passage in Matthew instructs us on church discipline? Matthew 18:15-17 What church officers are listed in the Bible? Pastor, deacons (possibly evangelists) What biblical duties did the deacons have? Care for secular matters […]

Bible Basics 29 – Church Structure

3/08/2022 Wednesday BIBLE BASICS Church: Structure What does the Bible say about the church’s members, officers & government? Church Members ▰ The meaning of ekklesia expects membership ▻ A New Testament ekklesia did not include all believers everywhere, but only those who are called out to a particular assembly. ▻ A New Testament ekklesia was […]

Bible Basics 28 – Church History

27/07/2022 Wednesday BIBLE BASICS Church: Introduction Review When did Christ lay the foundation for the first church? During his earthly ministry When does your pastor believe the church started? On the Day of Pentecost What do dispensations have to do with the start of the church? The law ended at the Cross and the church […]

Bible Basics 27 – Church Roots

20/07/2022 Wednesday BIBLE BASICS Church: Introduction Review Church: Its Roots How did the first church begin? Jesus laid the foundation of the first church ▰ Jesus laid the foundation for the first church during His ministry. ▻ He chose apostles who later became church leaders (Lu 6:13). ▻ He taught His apostles His doctrine (Mr […]

Bible Basics 26 – Church Intro

6/07/2022 Wednesday BIBLE BASICS Review of Aspects of Salvation, p.3 What are the 3 stages of sanctification? Past (salvation), Present (this life), Future (when we see Christ) When will our adoption by God be fully complete? When he takes us to heaven Which keeps the Christian securely saved, doing right or God’s promise? God’s Promise […]