Proper Vengeance
16 October 2022 AM – Romans 12:19 – Rom2022 – Scott Childs
Introduction: In the previous verses, the Apostle Paul addressed our reaction to those who mistreat us. He told us not to retaliate by returning evil for evil. Instead, we are to prepare an excellent response to aggression. Paul admitted that it is not always possible to live in peace, as some people are determined to agitate. However, we are not to do anything to aggravate the problem. We are to be peacemakers.
Continuing on the same theme, Paul tells us what we ARE to do when people hurt us. Here is the right action to take. Here is God’s mind on the subject. Read Romans 12:19.
Transition: In this verse, Paul, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, gives us three clear instructions regarding vengeance.
We are NOT to avenge ourselves.