The Christ of Christmas pt.3
18 December 2022 AM – Galatians 4:4 – Christmas22 – Scott Childs
Introduction: As we have sought to answer the question, “Who was the Christ of Christmas?”, we have looked at Christ’s part in the Trinity of God and at his deity, being God the Son. This morning, I want us to look at his humanity. What sort of human was this God/Man Jesus Christ?
Steve Farrar, in his book, King Me: What Every Son Wants and Needs from His Father, describes the manhood of Christ. “Christ was male, not female. One doesn’t compliment a man by saying that he is beautiful. The appropriate word in that context would be “handsome.” …
Let’s stop describing Jesus Christ in womanly terms. He is awesome, majestic, holy, and righteous. He is the Son of the Living God. He is the God/man. Let’s show Him the proper respect and use masculine, biblical terms to describe His greatness. And in the process, we won’t be sending the wrong message about His person and character. …
On perhaps two different occasions, the Lord Jesus walked into the temple with a whip and commenced to drive out the commodity traders that had managed to extort office space in His Father’s house. And when He walked into that temple with that whip and started turning over tables, they didn’t say, “Look at his hair! I wonder who does his nails?” …
Jesus was raised by Joseph in a carpenter’s shop, and He didn’t buy his lumber at Home Depot. He cut his own trees and planed His own boards. As a result, He had some serious forearms. And He didn’t have soft hands. He had calluses from doing hard, physical labor. That’s why they ran when He cleared out the temple. No one stood up to Him. …” (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2005), 125-129.
Transition: What else do we know about Christ’s human life? What information does the Bible give us about His humanity?
The Bible gives us …
Clear statements that Christ became a human