The Wisdom and Knowledge of God
10 July 2022 AM – Romans 11:33-36 – Rom2022 – Scott Childs
Introduction: In Romans 10, Israel had heard the way of righteousness by faith, but they rejected it. God said in Romans 10:17, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” However, Israel as a nation rejected Christ’s offer.
As Romans 11 opens, Paul assures us that God did not cast away his people (v.1). They have not fallen from God’s care (v.11). Instead, through their rejection, salvation is offered to the Gentiles. God’s desire is that the salvation of Gentiles might provoke the Jews to jealousy. One preacher illustrated it this way. Israel dropped the ball and the Gentiles picked it up and took possession of it; however, Israel did not quit and leave the field.
Paul reminded the Gentiles that if God cut off Israel as branches on His olive tree and grafted in Gentile branches, they must not boast (v.17-18). If the Gentiles did not continue to believe, God could easily cut off their branches and again graft in Israel’s branches (v.22-23).
Israel’s blindness is only temporary until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. The moment that the last Gentle that God foreknows will be saved trusts Christ; the fullness of the Gentiles will end. During the Tribulation, many of the Jews will believe on Christ and be saved (v.26).
So far in the book of Romans, Paul explained God’s Righteousness Needed (Ro 1:18-3:20); Provided (Ro 3:21-5:21); Imparted (Ro 6:1-7:25); Assured (Ro 8:1-39); and Vindicated as he dealt with Israel in their Past Election, in their Present Rejection, and in their Future Salvation (Ro 9:1-11:36). All that God has done for us is overwhelming. Paul felt the same way. Thus, he concluded this section with a doxology to God – A paragraph of praise to God for His greatness. Warren Wiersbe adds, “Having contemplated God’s great plan of salvation for Jews and Gentiles, all Paul could do was sing a hymn of praise.” Bible Expository Commentary 1:553
Transition: This morning, I want us to focus our attention on the doxology in Romans 11:33-36, that we too might sing it.
God’s wisdom and knowledge are praiseworthy.