You Belong to the Lord!

28 January 2024 PM – Psalm 24:1 – God’s Character
Introduction: One of the first words children learn is the word “mine”. Many childhood fights occur when one child takes a toy from another child and says, “Mine!” We are selfish people from our earliest days.
To bring us out of our selfishness and back to reality, God gave us Psalm 24:1. Read it!
Transition: This text conveys several important truths that ought to give us better understanding of God and inner comfort. I have many Bible verses to examine, and I urge you to look them up as we go.
1.     The Earth is the Lord’s
a.      The earth and the world are distinct.
1)         Many scriptures make this distinction (Ps 90:2; Pr 8:26; Isa 18:3; Jer 10:12; Nah 1:5).
2)         In some verses the earth and world seem to be synonyms, but even then, there are subtle differences else God would have not used two distinct terms.
b.      The earth
1)         The earth speaks of the globe, the planet, particularly the material of the surface, the land, the soil.
2)         The KJV translates this word as land(s) 1543x, earth 712x, country(ies) 140x, ground 97x, misc. 10x.
a)         This is the land that is dry (Ge 1:10)
b)         It is the soil that grows plants (Ge 1:11).
c)         It is the soil that provides for living creatures (Ge 1:24-25).
d)         It is the turf where humans dwell (Ge 6:11).
e)         The flood rains fell upon the earth (Ge 7:4).
f)          At Babel, God scattered man upon the face of all the earth (Ge 11:8).
g)         It is a territory or area (Nu 14:8).
h)         God has hidden riches in the earth (Ps 104.24).
c.       The fullness thereof
1)         This is that which fills the earth. It is that which is in abundance in the earth.
2)         Assuming that the earth applies primarily to the earthy crust of our planet, the fullness of the earth would include all the natural treasures of gold, silver, iron, copper, gems, etc. that are buried in the earth.
3)         It may include springs of water.
4)         Perhaps it includes the billions of microscopic creatures that live in the soil.
5)         Because its nutrients of the soil feed all plant life on which all animal life depend, the fullness could possibly include all these.
d.      The world
1)         The world speaks of the habitable parts of the earth (Pr 8:31; Isa 18:3). It is the earth’s surface where people dwell (Isa 14:21). The earth is what we dwell on, but the world is where we dwell.
2)         The KJV translates this word as world 35x and habitable 1x.
a)         It is the land of the living (Job 18:18).
b)         It describes those whom God will judge (Ps 9:8).
c)         It includes those who can see and hear (Ps 19:4).
d)         The earth can in some way fear the Lord (it obeys His bidding), but the world must stand in awe of God (Ps 33:8).
e)         It includes those who can do evil (Isa 13:11).
e.      They that dwell therein.
1)         Every human dwells or resides on God’s earth, and in God’s world.
2)         Every human is included in this statement.
3)         That certainly includes you and me!
2.     All these belong to the LORD.
a.      The earth, the fullness thereof, the world, and all its dwellers are the LORD’s.
1)         These are God’s by creation. He created all that exists (Ge 1:1-2, 10-12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24-26)
2)         These are God’s by right of ownership (Ps 50:12; Ps 89:11; Ex 9:29; Deu 10:14; Job 41:11; 1Co 10:26).
3)         These are God’s by choice. He could have wiped out Adam and Eve the moment they sinned, but he loved them. He still loves us today (Jn 3:16). If you have trusted Christ as your Saviour, you are also his by redemption and adoption into his family.
b.      You and I live on God’s earth in God’s world, and under God’s loving care.
1)         Since God owns all that exists, you and I owe him our devotion and our dependence. “After all He’s done for me…”
2)         We have no reason for concern. He created us. He loves us. He died for us. If saved, He redeemed us. He cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7) “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” He gave us His Word to direct us. (Psalms 119:105) “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” He gave us His Holy Spirit to help us. (John 14:16) “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
3)         We have no right to be proud. Only fools think they can resist God and win. God is the Sovereign over every atom that exists.
Conclusion: The earth on which we walk, and all that is in it; the world in which we live, and each of us in it, all belong to God. All is in God’s hands. Of God, Isaiah wrote, (Isaiah 40:12) “Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?” We need not fear when things appear to be out of control. God is still on His throne.
If you belong to God, you can always run to Him for help and comfort when burdened, and be assured that He will help you.
Song: After All He’s Done for Me